• v1.11.2 63a263724c

    bss released this 2023-12-30 22:23:42 -06:00 | 9 commits to master since this release



    • The feeds are linked to in the HTML template.
    • The feed directory structure is expected to be feed/YYYYMMDD-foo.md symlinks, rather than feed/YYYY/MM/DD/foo.md symlinks. This is just for simplicity.
  • v1.11.1 30d6f99c9b

    bss released this 2023-12-30 15:33:48 -06:00 | 11 commits to master since this release



    • Atom/RSS feed validation fixes:
      • Use a proper feed ID.
      • Provide author information for the feed and each entry.
      • Return the proper content-type for the feeds.
  • v1.11.0 6dc443e59f

    bss released this 2023-12-30 15:06:41 -06:00 | 14 commits to master since this release



    • Rudimentary Atom and RSS feed support has been implemented, by way of symlinks to pages in a separate directory. This is still kind of a work in progress, documentation maybe coming later when I know it's stable.


    • I've added the actual DCO and have started a signing policy. I'm still the only developer, so this probably never matters.
    • I've also added SPDX license and copyright headers.
    • The project has been converted off of setup.py and versioneer, and now uses pyproject.toml and setuptools_scm.
    • Python 3.12 has been added to the environments tested in tox.
    • Version bumps.
  • v1.10.1 0fef13c71a

    bss released this 2023-10-07 14:11:50 -05:00 | 22 commits to master since this release



    • Support Python 3.11, tested in tox.ini.
    • Version bumps, most notably Flask 3 and Werkzeug 3. There haven't been many changes, so this should probably still work with recent 2.x.
  • v1.10.0 55cfad90a9

    bss released this 2022-12-31 11:59:05 -06:00 | 24 commits to master since this release



    • Static files can now be loaded from a special directory in the instance root, custom-static/, which is served under the /custom-static/ URL. It was always possible to serve static files out of pages/, but this helps separate style and content, for the times that makes sense to people.
    • The styles loadable via the cookie and presented to the user are now configurable; the dictionary can be overridden to add more styles (this may be an obvious use for the above feature) and/or remove undesired ones. This is one more step towards the software being bss-agnostic.


    • werkzeug.security.safe_join is used to resolve pages, it is no less safe than my hand-written method.
    • Some strange decisions around link underlining (I was using bottom borders, what the heck?) have been undone, and the CSS simplified since underlining is the usual case now.


    • Requirements bump; only affects development, but some stuff had to be pinned because safety and tox disagree on deps.
  • v1.9.1 0f19fcb174

    bss released this 2022-09-16 14:16:52 -05:00 | 32 commits to master since this release



    • Accidental collision between footer link stylings and some normal body stylings has been corrected, ul/ol links look like they should again.
  • v1.9.0 f1684a57a9

    bss released this 2022-09-16 13:52:31 -05:00 | 33 commits to master since this release



    • The Footer: Markdown meta tag can be used to add extra (HTML-unescaped!) content to the page footer. This is mostly useful for me to add copyright/etc. info on pages, and probably doesn't see much use otherwise.
    • CSS styling to account for the possibility now of the footer having links.


    • Requirements recompile.
  • v1.8.2 21ea24ffa1

    bss released this 2022-06-05 21:31:37 -05:00 | 36 commits to master since this release



    • Handful of styling changes to de-emphasize the header in ordinary pages.
  • v1.8.1 724a2240b2

    bss released this 2022-05-25 07:29:07 -05:00 | 37 commits to master since this release



    • The styling is a fair bit more like pre-v1.8.0, but with some more whitespace and cleaned up usage of links, as I generally found myself not liking what I did in v1.8.0.


    • CONTRIBUTING.md most notably now has Developer Certificate of Origin-style information in it, contains a bit of a personal oath, and got some miscellaneous cleanups throughout.
    • Requirements bumps.
  • v1.8.0 985bb93839

    bss released this 2022-04-19 08:53:33 -05:00 | 45 commits to master since this release



    • A block-level figure extension, incorporealcms.mdx.figures, has been added, with figcaption support, which properly treats figures as block level entities and whose children (e.g. images) don't need to be in other Markdown blocks like paragraph tags.
      • This is in part stemming from my dislike of other attempts at a figure extension, which violate HTML and/or are too specific to images. This should end up being somewhat generic though I haven't tested anything except images yet.


    • incorporealcms.mdx.pydot is less greedy and now supports multiple unique diagrams on one page.
    • incorporealcms.mdx.pydot syntax has been altered in order to be backwards compatible with standard Markdown code fences.
    • Styling tweaks around introduction of figures, removing some old image and figure classes and replacing them with good general purpose figure styling.
    • In the light/dark styles, because of the use of figures and clickable images inside figures, the default underline on links has been removed, replaced with colored red text instead. This is a bit of a "try it and see if it grows on me change"
    • In the light/dark styles, because of the above, headers are now the default color instead of colored red, as they were visually indistinguishable and kind of overwhelming together.
    • Some small padding, line height, etc. tweaks. More negative space overall.


    • Requirements bump, again, affecting some tests.
    • The default python-markdown configuration has been a bit more closely aligned with my usage.