• v1.11.0 6dc443e59f

    bss released this 2023-12-30 15:06:41 -06:00 | 16 commits to master since this release



    • Rudimentary Atom and RSS feed support has been implemented, by way of symlinks to pages in a separate directory. This is still kind of a work in progress, documentation maybe coming later when I know it's stable.


    • I've added the actual DCO and have started a signing policy. I'm still the only developer, so this probably never matters.
    • I've also added SPDX license and copyright headers.
    • The project has been converted off of setup.py and versioneer, and now uses pyproject.toml and setuptools_scm.
    • Python 3.12 has been added to the environments tested in tox.
    • Version bumps.