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The Xi Tauri System

The Xi Tauri star system consists of four stars in a hierarchy system.

  • Xi Tauri Aa and Ab: two B-type stars in a binary pair. These stars, and their respective bodies, make up the core worlds. The corporatocratic Ring is most prominent in these worlds, though their reach is incomplete.
  • Xi Tauri B: A third B-type star which orbits the binary pair. The most massive of the stars in the system, it was nevertheless at its distant aphelion when the arks reached the system, leading to its many worlds being less explored and populated than the core worlds. The planets and et cetera of Xi Tauri B are sometimes known as the wastes, despite being more uncharted than anything else.
  • Xi Tauri C: A F-type star orbiting the other three stars, the worlds of the rim worlds are more likely to support natural life with less terraforming effort, and are generally held to contain more exploitable resources than the core worlds. The Ring is best positioned to forcefully export these resources, despite their minimal involvement in governing this far out to the black.

Persons and Government

The Ring

Forming from a variety of surviving corporations, The Ring is the dominant government and culture in the core worlds. Their dominance of resources, media, and infrastructure has guaranteed them financial and political monopolies, despite the core worlds (and whole of Xi Tauri) nominally being a democratic republic. The core worlds move to the tune of the Ring.


Known Worlds

Lost History

The Arks

Were it not for cryosleep, humanity would have never survived the unknown thousands, if not tens of thousands, years necessary to reach Xi Tauri.


It's not known from where those who were men came, but their appearance between worlds heralds nothing but ravage.

Old Cultures of Earth

When Earth collapsed, its states scattered ships throughout the cosmos. Others may have survived long enough to find a new home among the stars. The details of Earth's failure, or those who escaped it, have been largely lost.

Intelligence Beyond

Worlds that support life had nevertheless produced only bacterial life before humanity arrived to the system. Genetic mutation and biosequencing has introduced forms of life familiar to us on those worlds, though many believe (or fear) that there is still unexpected intelligent life soon to be discovered. Or encountered.