this just sends a privmsg to the specified target on the specified
connection. pretty straightforward. also, update the modules that
need it to use it.
more of a moving of the code, actually, it now exists in (an overridden)
_handle_event, so that recursions happen against irc events directly,
rather than an already partially interpreted object.
with this change, modules don't need to implement do() nor do we have a
need for the internal_bus, which was doing an additional walk of the
modules after the irc event was already handled and turned into text. now
the core event handler does the recursion scans.
to support this, we bring back the old replypath trick and use it again,
so we know when to send a privmsg reply and when to return text so that
it may be chained in recursion. this feels old hat by now, but if you
haven't been following along, you should really look at the diff.
that's the meat of the change. the rest is updating modules to use
self.reply() and reimplementing (un)register_handlers where appropriate
if the end of a chain has been reached via __end, but min_size
has not been satisfied, discard the last couple elements in the
chain and try again. use min_search_tries so we don't do this
needs authentication. this adds a sqlite database, to track a couple
settings. one, since_id, tracks the last successful time this poll
happened, so it's pretty important you don't muck around with it.
default value is 0, so the first time this poll occurs, it may be a
bit spammy.
note that this isn't guaranteed, if the chain is such that the
current tuple has nowhere to go but to the end of the line, then
it will follow it --- it doesn't try to go back and rebuilt a different
chain or anything.
yeah, we have MegaHAL, but i can't find a good implementation in
python that actually works and is stable, so we'll implement a
simple thing ourselves. works pretty much like MegaHAL does, but
without the string corruption.
original code provided by ape, care of mike bloy