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Included is a summary of changes to the project. For full details, especially on behind-the-scenes code changes and
development tools, see the commit history.
## v0.5.1
### Added
* A little description to the README of what gp2040ce-binary-tools version supports what GP2040-CE version, because...
### Changed
* The flash addresses/storage sizes account for the expanded size in GP2040-CE v0.7.5.
* Renamed the "pico" module to "rp2040" for accuracy's sake.
## v0.5.0
### Added
* New `dump-gp2040ce` tool to dump a whole GP2040-CE board, saving the need for picotool to do it.
* Flag to `concatenate` to truncate/replace the firmwary binary's storage section with the specified config in the
output binary.
* Flag to `concatenate` to write firmware + config over USB.
* Ability for `edit-config` to start with an empty configuration, if invoked with a non-existent file or against a board
with config errors.
### Fixes
* Write corruption is seemingly addressed by erasing and writing at 4096 byte boundaries.
* Missing children are now referred to properly in `edit-config`.
* `dump-config` pretended the filename was optional; it isn't.
## v0.4.0
### Added
* `edit-config` can now read and write a config directly over USB (BOOTSEL mode) rather than working on dumped files.
* `visualize-storage` can also read the config directly from the USB device.
* New `dump-config` tool to get the config from the USB device rather than relying on picotool.
* A whole new module for interacting with the Pico over USB, accordingly.
## v0.3.2
### Added
* pyproject.toml changes to support building a package and publishing it.
* Accordingly, this is the first version published to
## v0.3.1
### Added
* Support for adding repeated protobuf elements, such as the 1 to 3 additional profiles.
* Support for "opening" an empty configuration file (as in, starting with a blank config).
## v0.3.0
### Added
* New `edit-config` tool to view and edit a dump of a GP2040-CE's configuration section in a terminal UI and save it back
to its original file.
* This comes with lots of supporting code for generating config footers and so on.
* The config's CRC checksum is now checked as part of parsing.
## v0.2.1
### Fixed
* `concatenate` assumed the storage file was padded to the full 8192 byte length, causing it to put serialized configs
in the wrong spot; it now supports either option.
## v0.2.0
### Added
* New `concatenate` tool to combine a firmware file with a storage file.
* `visualize-storage` option to output in JSON format.
## v0.1.2
### Added
* `visualize-storage` option to find the config from a whole flash dump of the board, rather than just the config section.
### Changed
* The minimum Python version is 3.9 (rather than unspecified).
## v0.1.1
### Added
* The config footer is used to find the protobuf config, rather than guessing at it.
* Some debug logging.
## v0.1.0
### Added
* New `visualize-storage` tool to view a file of a GP2040-CE board's protobuf configuration.
* Documentation for the above, and where the storage lives on the board.