Brian S. Stephan 01d3c7c80c migrate some code that became pivotal to the bot into DrBotIRC.
this is a big change. DrBotIrc is now in charge of module loading
and unloading, aliases, and recursion. the Alias module is no more,
and a bunch of functionality was moved out of IrcAdmin, including
also config file saving, the sigint handler, and quitting the bot.

additionally, a lot of stuff got caught in the wake. dr.botzo.py
is simpler now, and lets DrBotIRC do the dynamic loading stuff.
Module.__init__ changed, modules no longer get modlist and instead
get a reference to the DrBotIRC object. IrcAdmin still has the same
exposed methods, but now calls out to DrBotIRC to achieve some of

naturally, a recursion/alias rewrite was included with this change.
it is clearer now (i think), but probably brittle somewhere.
additionally, currently any module that has registered a pubmsg
handler can potentially fire more than once on one input (without
recursion). this may be the next thing to fix. do() may need to
be split, or maybe it's time to stop having modules deal with
pubmsg/privmsg entirely. need to decide.

2011-01-07 17:38:26 -06:00

145 lines
6.4 KiB

Twitter - access to Twitter through bot commands
Copyright (C) 2010 Brian S. Stephan
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import urlparse
import oauth2 as oauth
from extlib import irclib
from extlib import twitter
from Module import Module
class Twitter(Module):
Access Twitter via the bot as an authenticated client.
def __init__(self, irc, config, server):
Prompt the user for oauth stuff when starting up.
TODO: make this optional, and have API calls log if they need auth.
Module.__init__(self, irc, config, server)
# begin oauth magic
self.consumer_key = 'N2aSGxBP8t3cCgWyF1B2Aw'
self.consumer_secret = '0aQPEV4K3MMpicfi2lDtCP5pvjsKaqIpfuWtsPzx8'
self.request_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
self.access_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token'
self.authorize_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize'
self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret)
self.client = oauth.Client(self.consumer)
# create a default twitter API account, in case we never auth
self.twit = twitter.Api()
self.authed = False
def do(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, replypath, what, admin_unlocked):
Attempt to do twitter things.
whats = what.split(' ')
if whats[0] == 'twitter' and len(whats) >= 2:
if whats[1] == 'status' and len(whats) == 3:
tweet = self.twit.GetStatus(whats[2])
return self.reply(connection, replypath, self.tweet_or_retweet_text(tweet=tweet, print_source=True))
except twitter.TwitterError as e:
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'Couldn\'t obtain status: ' + str(e))
elif whats[1] == 'user' and len(whats) >= 3:
if len(whats) >= 4:
index = int(whats[3])
if index > 0:
index = 0
index = 0
count = (-1*index) + 1
tweets = self.twit.GetUserTimeline(screen_name=whats[2], count=count, include_rts=True)
if tweets:
tweet = tweets[-1*index]
return self.reply(connection, replypath, self.tweet_or_retweet_text(tweet=tweet))
except twitter.TwitterError as e:
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'Couldn\'t obtain status: ' + str(e))
elif whats[1] == 'tweet' and len(whats) >= 3:
if self.authed is False:
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'You must be authenticated to tweet.')
if admin_unlocked is False:
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'Only admins can tweet.')
if self.twit.PostUpdates(' '.join(whats[2:]), continuation='\xe2\x80\xa6') is not None:
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'Tweet(s) sent.')
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'Unknown error sending tweet(s).')
except twitter.TwitterError as e:
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'Couldn\'t tweet: ' + str(e))
elif whats[1] == 'gettoken':
# get request token
resp, content = self.client.request(self.request_token_url, "GET")
if resp['status'] != '200':
raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp['status'])
self.request_token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content))
# have the user auth
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'Go to the following link in your browser: %s?oauth_token=%s and then send me the pin.' % (self.authorize_url, self.request_token['oauth_token']))
elif whats[1] == 'auth' and len(whats) >= 3:
oauth_verifier = whats[2]
# request access token
token = oauth.Token(self.request_token['oauth_token'], self.request_token['oauth_token_secret'])
client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, token)
resp, content = client.request(self.access_token_url, "POST")
self.access_token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content))
# finally, create the twitter API object
self.twit = twitter.Api(self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret, self.access_token['oauth_token'], self.access_token['oauth_token_secret'])
self.authed = True
return self.reply(connection, replypath, 'The bot is now logged in.')
def tweet_or_retweet_text(self, tweet, print_source=False):
Return a string of the author and text body of a status,
accounting for whether or not the fetched status is a
if tweet.retweeted_status:
retweet = tweet.retweeted_status
if print_source:
return '%s (RT %s): %s [%s]' % (tweet.user.name.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), retweet.user.name.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), retweet.text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), tweet.id)
return '(RT %s): %s [%s]' % (retweet.user.name.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), retweet.text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), tweet.id)
if print_source:
return '%s: %s [%s]' % (tweet.user.name.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), tweet.text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), tweet.id)
return '%s [%s]' % (tweet.text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), tweet.id)
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