Brian S. Stephan 7c05f60ffd Markov: implement a min_size, which tries to make a chain of at least min_size words.
note that this isn't guaranteed, if the chain is such that the
current tuple has nowhere to go but to the end of the line, then
it will follow it --- it doesn't try to go back and rebuilt a different
chain or anything.
2011-01-19 18:44:07 -06:00

241 lines
9.1 KiB

Markov - Chatterbot via Markov chains for IRC
Copyright (C) 2010 Brian S. Stephan
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import cPickle
import os
import random
import re
import sys
from extlib import irclib
from Module import Module
class Markov(Module):
Create a chatterbot very similar to a MegaHAL, but simpler and
implemented in pure Python. Proof of concept code from Ape.
Ape wrote: based on this:
and this:
def __init__(self, irc, config, server):
"""Create the Markov chainer, and learn text from a file if available."""
Module.__init__(self, irc, config, server)
self.brain_filename = 'dr.botzo.markov'
# set up some keywords for use in the chains --- don't change these
# once you've created a brain
self.start1 = '__start1'
self.start2 = '__start2'
self.stop = '__stop'
# set up regexes, for replying to specific stuff
trainpattern = '^!markov\s+train\s+(.*)$'
learnpattern = '^!markov\s+learn\s+(.*)$'
replypattern = '^!markov\s+reply(\s+(.*)$|$)'
self.trainre = re.compile(trainpattern)
self.learnre = re.compile(learnpattern)
self.replyre = re.compile(replypattern)
brainfile = open(self.brain_filename, 'r')
self.brain = cPickle.load(brainfile)
except IOError:
self.brain = {}
self.brain.setdefault((self.start1, self.start2), []).append(self.stop)
def register_handlers(self, server):
"""Handle pubmsg/privmsg, to learn and/or reply to IRC events."""
self.server.add_global_handler('pubmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event)
self.server.add_global_handler('privmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event)
def unregister_handlers(self):
self.server.remove_global_handler('pubmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event)
self.server.remove_global_handler('privmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event)
def save(self):
"""Pickle the brain upon save."""
brainfile = open(self.brain_filename, 'w')
cPickle.dump(self.brain, brainfile)
def learn_from_irc_event(self, connection, event):
"""Learn from IRC events."""
what = ''.join(event.arguments()[0])
# don't learn from commands
if self.trainre.search(what) or self.learnre.search(what) or self.replyre.search(what):
def do(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked):
"""Handle commands and inputs."""
if self.trainre.search(what):
return self.markov_train(connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked)
elif self.learnre.search(what):
return self.markov_learn(connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked)
elif self.replyre.search(what):
return self.markov_reply(connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked)
# not a command, so see if i'm being mentioned
if re.search(connection.get_nickname(), what, re.IGNORECASE) is not None:
addressed_pattern = '^' + connection.get_nickname() + '[:,]\s+(.*)'
addressed_re = re.compile(addressed_pattern)
if addressed_re.match(what):
# i was addressed directly, so respond, addressing the speaker
return '{0:s}: {1:s}'.format(nick, self._reply_to_line(addressed_re.match(what).group(1)))
# i wasn't addressed directly, so just respond
return '{0:s}'.format(self._reply_to_line(what))
def markov_train(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked):
"""Learn lines from a file. Good for initializing a brain."""
match = self.trainre.search(what)
if match and admin_unlocked:
filename = match.group(1)
for line in open(filename, 'r'):
return 'Learned from \'{0:s}\'.'.format(filename)
except IOError:
return 'No such file \'{0:s}\'.'.format(filename)
def markov_learn(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked):
"""Learn one line, as provided to the command."""
match = self.learnre.search(what)
if match:
line = match.group(1)
def markov_reply(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked):
"""Generate a reply to one line, without learning it."""
match = self.replyre.search(what)
if match:
if match.group(2):
line = match.group(2)
return self._reply_to_line(line)
return self._reply()
def _learn_line(self, line):
"""Create Markov chains from the provided line."""
# set up the head of the chain
w1 = self.start1
w2 = self.start2
# for each word pair, add the next word to the dictionary
for word in line.split():
self.brain.setdefault((w1, w2), []).append(word.lower())
w1, w2 = w2, word.lower()
# cap the end of the chain
self.brain.setdefault((w1, w2), []).append(self.stop)
def _reply(self, min_size=15, max_size=100):
"""Generate a totally random string from the chains, of specified limit of words."""
# if the limit is too low, there's nothing to do
if (max_size <= 3):
raise Exception("max_size is too small: %d" % max_size)
# if the min is too large, abort
if (min_size > 20):
raise Exception("min_size is too large: %d" % min_size)
# start with an empty chain, and work from there
gen_words = [self.start1, self.start2]
# walk a chain, randomly, building the list of words
while len(gen_words) < max_size + 2 and gen_words[-1] != self.stop:
if len(gen_words) < min_size and len(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, self.brain[(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1])])) > 0:
gen_words.append(random.choice(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, self.brain[(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1])])))
gen_words.append(random.choice(self.brain[(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1])]))
# chop off the seed data at the start
gen_words = gen_words[2:]
# chop off the end text, if it was the keyword indicating an end of chain
if gen_words[-1] == self.stop:
gen_words = gen_words[:-1]
return ' '.join(gen_words)
def _reply_to_line(self, line, min_size=15, max_size=100):
"""Reply to a line, using some text in the line as a point in the chain."""
# if the limit is too low, there's nothing to do
if (max_size <= 3):
raise Exception("max_size is too small: %d" % max_size)
# if the min is too large, abort
if (min_size > 20):
raise Exception("min_size is too large: %d" % min_size)
# get a random word from the input
words = line.split()
target_word = words[random.randint(0, len(words)-1)]
# start with an empty chain, and work from there
gen_words = [self.start1, self.start2]
# walk a chain, randomly, building the list of words
while len(gen_words) < max_size + 2 and gen_words[-1] != self.stop:
# use the chain that includes the target word, if it is found
if target_word in self.brain[(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1])]:
# generate new word
target_word = words[random.randint(0, len(words)-1)]
if len(gen_words) < min_size and len(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, self.brain[(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1])])) > 0:
gen_words.append(random.choice(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, self.brain[(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1])])))
gen_words.append(random.choice(self.brain[(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1])]))
# chop off the seed data at the start
gen_words = gen_words[2:]
# chop off the end text, if it was the keyword indicating an end of chain
if gen_words[-1] == self.stop:
gen_words = gen_words[:-1]
return ' '.join(gen_words)
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