
219 lines
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markov/views.py --- manipulate markov data
import logging
import random
import time
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import permission_required
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from markov.forms import LogUploadForm, TeachLineForm
from markov.models import MarkovContext, MarkovTarget, MarkovState
log = logging.getLogger('dr_botzo.markov')
def index(request):
"""Display nothing, for the moment."""
return HttpResponse()
def context_index(request, context_id):
"""Display the context index for the given context."""
start_t = time.time()
context = get_object_or_404(MarkovContext, pk=context_id)
chain = ' '.join(_generate_line(context))
end_t = time.time()
return render(request, 'markov/context.html', {'chain': chain,
'context': context,
'elapsed': end_t - start_t})
@permission_required('import_log_file', raise_exception=True)
def import_file(request):
"""Accept a file upload and turn it into markov stuff.
Current file formats supported:
* weechat
if request.method == 'POST':
form = LogUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
log_file = request.FILES['log_file']
context = form.cleaned_data['context']
ignores = form.cleaned_data['ignore_nicks'].split(',')
strips = form.cleaned_data['strip_prefixes'].split(' ')
whos = []
for line in log_file:
(timestamp, who, what) = line.decode('utf-8').split('\t', 2)
if who in ('-->', '<--', '--', ' *'):
if who in ignores:
# this is a line we probably care about now
what = [x for x in what.rstrip().split(' ') if x not in strips]
_learn_line(' '.join(what), context)
form = LogUploadForm()
return render(request, 'markov/import_file.html', {'form': form})
@permission_required('teach_line', raise_exception=True)
def teach_line(request):
"""Teach one line directly."""
if request.method == 'POST':
form = TeachLineForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
line = form.cleaned_data['line']
context = form.cleaned_data['context']
strips = form.cleaned_data['strip_prefixes'].split(' ')
what = [x for x in line.rstrip().split(' ') if x not in strips]
_learn_line(' '.join(what), context)
form = TeachLineForm()
return render(request, 'markov/teach_line.html', {'form': form})
def _generate_sentence(context, topics=None, max_words=30):
"""Generate a Markov chain."""
words = []
# if we have topics, try to work from it and work backwards
if topics:
topic_word = random.choice(topics)
log.debug(u"looking for topic '{0:s}'".format(topic_word))
new_states = MarkovState.objects.filter(context=context, v=topic_word)
if len(new_states) > 0:
log.debug(u"found '{0:s}', starting backwards".format(topic_word))
words.insert(0, topic_word)
while len(words) <= max_words and words[0] != MarkovState._start2:
log.debug(u"looking backwards for '{0:s}'".format(words[0]))
new_states = MarkovState.objects.filter(context=context, v=words[0])
words.insert(0, _get_word_out_of_states(new_states, backwards=True))
# if we didn't get topic stuff, we need to start (forwards) here
if len(words) == 0:
words = [MarkovState._start1, MarkovState._start2]
i = len(words)
while len(words) <= max_words and words[-1] != MarkovState._stop:
log.debug(u"looking for '{0:s}','{1:s}'".format(words[i-2], words[i-1]))
new_states = MarkovState.objects.filter(context=context, k1=words[i-2], k2=words[i-1])
log.debug(u"states retrieved")
i += 1
words = [word for word in words if word not in
(MarkovState._start1, MarkovState._start2, MarkovState._stop)]
return words
def _generate_longish_sentence(context, topics=None, min_words=4, max_words=30):
"""Generate a Markov chain, but throw away the short ones unless we get desperate."""
tries = 0
while tries < 5:
sent = _generate_sentence(context, topics=topics, max_words=max_words)
if len(sent) >= min_words:
return sent
tries += 1
# if we got here, we need to just give up
return _generate_sentence(context)
def _generate_line(context, topics=None, min_words=15, max_words=30):
"""String multiple sentences together into a coherent sentence."""
tries = 0
line = []
while tries < 5:
line += _generate_longish_sentence(context, topics=topics, max_words=max_words)
if len(line) >= min_words:
return line
line[-1] += random.choice([',', '.', '!'])
tries += 1
# if we got here, we need to give up
return line
def _get_word_out_of_states(states, backwards=False):
"""Pick one random word out of the given states."""
new_word = ''
running = 0
count_sum = states.aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum']
hit = random.randint(0, count_sum)
log.debug(u"sum: {0:d} hit: {1:d}".format(count_sum, hit))
states_itr = states.iterator()
for state in states_itr:
running += state.count
if running >= hit:
if backwards:
new_word = state.k2
new_word = state.v
log.debug(u"found '{0:s}'".format(new_word))
return new_word
def _learn_line(line, context):
"""Create a bunch of MarkovStates for a given line of text."""
log.debug(u"learning {0:.40s}...".format(line))
words = line.split()
words = [MarkovState._start1, MarkovState._start2] + words + [MarkovState._stop]
for word in words:
if len(word) > MarkovState._meta.get_field('k1').max_length:
for i, word in enumerate(words):
log.debug(u"'{0:s}','{1:s}' -> '{2:s}'".format(words[i], words[i+1], words[i+2]))
state, created = MarkovState.objects.get_or_create(context=context,
state.count += 1
if i > len(words) - 4:
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