
145 lines
6.2 KiB

"""IRC support for Markov chain learning and text generation."""
import logging
import re
import irc.client
import markov.lib as markovlib
from ircbot.lib import Plugin, reply_destination_for_event
from ircbot.models import IrcChannel
from markov.models import MarkovContext, MarkovTarget
log = logging.getLogger('markov.ircplugin')
class Markov(Plugin):
"""Build Markov chains and reply with them."""
def start(self):
"""Set up the handlers."""
self.connection.add_global_handler('pubmsg', self.handle_chatter, -20)
self.connection.add_global_handler('privmsg', self.handle_chatter, -20)
self.connection.reactor.add_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'],
self.handle_reply, -20)
super(Markov, self).start()
def stop(self):
"""Tear down handlers."""
self.connection.remove_global_handler('pubmsg', self.handle_chatter)
self.connection.remove_global_handler('privmsg', self.handle_chatter)
self.connection.reactor.remove_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], self.handle_reply)
super(Markov, self).stop()
def handle_reply(self, connection, event, match):
"""Generate a reply to one line, without learning it."""
target = reply_destination_for_event(event)
min_size = 15
max_size = 30
context = self.get_or_create_target_context(target)
if match.group(2):
min_size = int(match.group(2))
if match.group(4):
max_size = int(match.group(4))
if match.group(5) != '':
line = match.group(6)
topics = [x for x in line.split(' ') if len(x) >= 3]
return self.bot.reply(event, " ".join(markovlib.generate_line(context, topics=topics,
min_words=min_size, max_words=max_size)))
return self.bot.reply(event, " ".join(markovlib.generate_line(context, min_words=min_size,
def handle_chatter(self, connection, event):
"""Learn from IRC chatter."""
what = event.arguments[0]
who = irc.client.NickMask(event.source).nick
target = reply_destination_for_event(event)
log.debug("what: '%s', who: '%s', target: '%s'", what, who, target)
# check to see whether or not we should learn from this channel
channel = None
if irc.client.is_channel(target):
channel, c = IrcChannel.objects.get_or_create(name=target, server=connection.server_config)
if channel and not channel.markov_learn_from_channel:
log.debug("not learning from %s as i've been told to ignore it", channel)
# learn the line
learning_what = what
# don't learn the speaker's nick if this came over a bridge
if channel and who == channel.discord_bridge:
learning_what = ' '.join(learning_what.split(' ')[1:])
# remove our own nick and aliases from what we learn
if connection.server_config.additional_addressed_nicks:
all_nicks = '|'.join(connection.server_config.additional_addressed_nicks.split('\n') +
all_nicks = connection.get_nickname()
learning_what = re.sub(r'^(({nicks})[:,]|@({nicks}))\s+'.format(nicks=all_nicks), '', learning_what)
recursing = getattr(event, 'recursing', False)
if not recursing:
log.debug("learning %s", learning_what)
context = self.get_or_create_target_context(target)
markovlib.learn_line(learning_what, context)
log.debug("searching '%s' for '%s'", what, all_nicks)
if re.search(all_nicks, what, re.IGNORECASE) is not None:
context = self.get_or_create_target_context(target)
addressed_pattern = r'^(({nicks})[:,]|@({nicks}))\s+(?P<addressed_msg>.*)'.format(nicks=all_nicks)
match = re.match(addressed_pattern, what, re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
# i was addressed directly, so respond, addressing
# the speaker
topics = [x for x in match.group('addressed_msg').split(' ') if len(x) >= 3]
return self.bot.reply(event, "{0:s}: {1:s}"
"".format(who, " ".join(markovlib.generate_line(context, topics=topics))))
# i wasn't addressed directly, so just respond
topics = [x for x in what.split(' ') if len(x) >= 3]
return self.bot.reply(event, "{0:s}"
"".format(" ".join(markovlib.generate_line(context, topics=topics))))
def get_or_create_target_context(self, target_name):
"""Return the context for a provided nick/channel, creating missing ones."""
target_name = target_name.lower()
# find the stuff, or create it
target = MarkovTarget.objects.get(name=target_name)
except MarkovTarget.DoesNotExist:
# we need to create a context and a target, and we have to make the context first
# make a context --- lacking a good idea, just create one with this target name until configured otherwise
channel, c = IrcChannel.objects.get_or_create(name=target_name, server=self.connection.server_config)
context, c = MarkovContext.objects.get_or_create(name=target_name)
target, c = MarkovTarget.objects.get_or_create(name=target_name, context=context, channel=channel)
return target.context
return target.context
except MarkovContext.DoesNotExist:
# make a context --- lacking a good idea, just create one with this target name until configured otherwise
context, c = MarkovContext.objects.get_or_create(name=target_name)
target.context = context
return target.context
plugin = Markov