the porting is complete, everything i care about has been moved to the
django-based codebase, and this old junk can finally go
IT IS A NEW ERA, one of maintainability and flexible changes. after
years of procrastinating, i have finally done this. the future is now
the module will drop your old tables if you have them, so if there's data there,
be sure to back them up and figure out some migration strategy (probably annoying
and probably having to script it).
the big change is that each line is associated to a context now, and channels
are also associated to contexts. this should allow for a better partitioning
of multiple brains, and changing which channels point to which brain.
also caught in the wake is some additional logging verbosity, and a change to
no longer lower() everything learned.
the script to dump a file into the database has also been updated with the above