this is the first step in trying to get the bot to support multiple
servers with different channels, countdown triggers, and so on
this also ends up affecting some configuration around:
* dispatch
* markov
* admin privmsg form
- event.addressed - msg started with 'bot: '
- event.original_msg - the pub/privmsg
- event.addressed_msg - pub/privmsg minus 'bot: '
- event.sender_nick - nick of event.source
- event.sent_location - channel or nick of event.source
- event.in_privmsg - if the event was in a privmsg or not
same logic as replacing [subcommand] with the output of subcommand, but
on the outbound side, via {subcommand}. this lets you do something like,
!echo {!facts buh}
and that won't get interpreted until '{!facts buh}' is on its way out of
the bot. thus, you could also put '{!facts buh}' into the output of some
other command, like a countdown reminder
reply() used to require an event, but all it used it for was to
determine the destination and to identify recursion. basically, strictly
only -replies-. we can make this a more robust privmsg, too, by adding
explicit_target and inferring recursion as False. this will let
basically any code currently using privmsg to use reply instead, and
benefit from multi-line and line splitting
this throttles multi-line messages in a way that probably doesn't affect
the normal cases much, and scales fairly well to far longer text. for
some reason long ascii art still triggers the flood detection, but with
this code at least it happens later in the process. so, success, for
now? i can fix the ascii art at some future point if i ever hit it
the porting is complete, everything i care about has been moved to the
django-based codebase, and this old junk can finally go
IT IS A NEW ERA, one of maintainability and flexible changes. after
years of procrastinating, i have finally done this. the future is now