this is a big change. DrBotIrc is now in charge of module loading
and unloading, aliases, and recursion. the Alias module is no more,
and a bunch of functionality was moved out of IrcAdmin, including
also config file saving, the sigint handler, and quitting the bot.
additionally, a lot of stuff got caught in the wake.
is simpler now, and lets DrBotIRC do the dynamic loading stuff.
Module.__init__ changed, modules no longer get modlist and instead
get a reference to the DrBotIRC object. IrcAdmin still has the same
exposed methods, but now calls out to DrBotIRC to achieve some of
naturally, a recursion/alias rewrite was included with this change.
it is clearer now (i think), but probably brittle somewhere.
additionally, currently any module that has registered a pubmsg
handler can potentially fire more than once on one input (without
recursion). this may be the next thing to fix. do() may need to
be split, or maybe it's time to stop having modules deal with
pubmsg/privmsg entirely. need to decide.
unicode-escape appears to do bad things to hiragana and probably
all unicode characters that are not unicode escaped. ultimately
it seems that google's responses are not consistent.
back to the drawing board.
This reverts commit 40888869b0.
this works via Module.reply(). if it produces IRC output, it returns
"NO MORE", which is returned by do(), which is returned by the handler,
which instructs irclib to cease calling handlers. now all we need
is some priorities for the modules (also supported by irclib) and
we may be in business
* have sub_unload_module() call the module's shutdown() before deleting stuff
* sub_unload_module() needs to delete the sys.modules entry too
* slightly more verbose output in sub_unload_module()
* sub_reload_module() now does a self.sub_unload_module() + self.sub_load_module()
* remove reload() --- modules must now safely handle shutdown
note that nothing megahal is shipped with the bot now, including
train files. this bot will expect a ./megahal.trn, and will write
to ./megahal.brn (in addition to a slew of other ./megahal.*
implementation is from
as much as i find this uncouth, it is handy, and also it seems
that the megahal brain gets corrupted/unusable when an exception
isn't caught and the bot dies. this should cover most of the