
427 lines
15 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Brian S. Stephan <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
include <roundedcube.scad>
module m4_hole() {
cylinder(r=m4_bolt_radius, h=100, $fn=50, center=true);
module m4_hole_countersink() {
cylinder(r1=m4_bolt_radius, r2=m4_bolt_countersink_radius, h=3.2, $fn=50, center=true);
module panel_holes() {
// holes for mount bolts
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) m4_hole();
// holes for mount bolt countersinks
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 2]) m4_hole_countersink();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, 2]) m4_hole_countersink();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 2]) m4_hole_countersink();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, 2]) m4_hole_countersink();
// button hole, with extra wide bits for various uses (cutting out space
// for snap-ins, etc.
module button_24mm_hole() {
cylinder(r=small_button_radius, h=100, $fn=50, center=true);
// carve out space for snap-ins, leave 3mm
// slagcoin has screw-in nut diameter at 29.5mm, so radius+3 to leave some space
// translation is to leave 3mm thickness in the plate without recentering anything
translate([0, 0, -25]) cylinder(r=small_button_radius+3, h=49, $fn=50, center=true);
// space for decorative button surround stuff
translate([0, 0, 50]) cylinder(r=small_button_radius*decorative_radius_scale, h=20, $fn=50, center=true);
translate([0, 0, 70]) cylinder(r=small_button_radius*jumbo_decorative_radius_scale, h=20, $fn=50, center=true);
// button hole, with extra wide bits for various uses (cutting out space
// for snap-ins, etc.
module button_30mm_hole() {
cylinder(r=big_button_radius, h=100, $fn=50, center=true);
// carve out space for snap-ins, leave 3mm
// slagcoin has screw-in nut diameter at 36mm, so radius+6 to leave some space
// translation is to leave 3mm thickness in the plate without recentering anything
translate([0, 0, -25]) cylinder(r=big_button_radius+6, h=49, $fn=50, center=true);
// space for decorative button surround stuff
translate([0, 0, 50]) cylinder(r=big_button_radius*decorative_radius_scale, h=20, $fn=50, center=true);
translate([0, 0, 70]) cylinder(r=big_button_radius*jumbo_decorative_radius_scale, h=20, $fn=50, center=true);
module frame_hex_bolt_hole() {
scale([1, 1, 2]) cylinder(r=m4_bolt_hex_exterior_radius, h=frame_z, $fn=6, center=true);
module frame_interchange_hole() {
cylinder(r=15, h=50, $fn=50, center=true);
module neutrik_d_hole() {
cylinder(r=neutrik_d_radius, h=100, $fn=50, center=true);
module neutrik_d_screw_hole() {
cylinder(r=neutrik_d_screw_radius, h=100, $fn=50, center=true);
module neutrik_d_mount() {
translate([9.5, 12, 0]) neutrik_d_screw_hole();
translate([-9.5, -12, 0]) neutrik_d_screw_hole();
module rocker_20mm_mount() {
cylinder(r=10+hole_tolerance, h=5, $fn=50, center=true);
cube([2.2, 22, 5], center=true);
translate([9.5, 12, 0]) neutrik_d_screw_hole();
translate([-9.5, -12, 0]) neutrik_d_screw_hole();
// space for a neutrik D mount or 24mm button - Z is to cut the whole inside without affecting panel lip
module frame_cutout() {
cube([30.5, 8, frame_z-(panel_z*2)], center=true);
// bank of three 24mm buttons, commonly on a frame face
module aux_control_three_button_cluster() {
translate([-37, 0, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([0, 0, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([37, 0, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
module m2_mount_post() {
difference() {
cylinder(r=m2_screw_selftap_radius*2.25, h=3, $fn=6, center=true);
cylinder(r=m2_screw_selftap_radius, h=3*2, $fn=50, center=true);
module oled_ssd1306_mount() {
translate([11.5, 12, 0]) m2_mount_post();
translate([11.5, -12, 0]) m2_mount_post();
translate([-11.5, 12, 0]) m2_mount_post();
translate([-11.5, -12, 0]) m2_mount_post();
module oled_ssd1306_mount_cutout() {
translate([0, 1.9, 0]) cube([25, 14, 5], center=true);
translate([0, 0, -1.0]) cube([35, 35, 4], center=true);
module m3_mount_post() {
difference() {
cylinder(r=m3_screw_selftap_radius*4, h=8, $fn=6, center=true);
cylinder(r=m3_screw_selftap_radius, h=8*2, $fn=50, center=true);
module pcb_mount() {
translate([44, 18.5, 0]) m3_mount_post();
translate([44, -18.5, 0]) m3_mount_post();
translate([-44, 18.5, 0]) m3_mount_post();
translate([-44, -18.5, 0]) m3_mount_post();
/* PIECES */
module levermountbase() {
difference() {
// base plate
cube([lever_mount_x, lever_mount_y, lever_mount_z], center=true);
// joystick hole
cylinder(r=21, h=3.1, $fn=50, center=true);
// see
// should work with JLF, JLW, LS-32, LS-33, LS-40, LS-55, LS-56
module levermountholes() {
// joystick hole
cylinder(r=lever_plate_hole, h=5.1, $fn=50, center=true);
// holes for joystick bolts
translate([20, 42.5, 0])
translate([20, -42.5, 0])
translate([-20, 42.5, 0])
translate([-20, -42.5, 0])
// holes for joystick bolt countersinks
translate([20, 42.5, 2])
translate([20, -42.5, 2])
translate([-20, 42.5, 2])
translate([-20, -42.5, 2])
module base_panel() {
difference() {
union() {
cube([panel_x, panel_y, panel_z], center=true);
// add posts that sink into the frame, just to give
// a somewhat more sturdy/tight connection
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1.5, 1.5, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1.5, 1.5, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1.5, 1.5, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1.5, 1.5, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
// the posts mentioned above need space for the actual hex bolts
// used in connecting to the frame
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1, 1, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1, 1, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1, 1, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, -panel_z])
scale([1, 1, 0.1]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
module base_bottom_panel() {
cube([panel_x, panel_y, panel_z], center=true);
module panel() {
difference() {
module bottom_panel() {
difference() {
mirror([0, 0, 1]) panel_holes();
module overhang_plate() {
roundedcube([overhang_panel_x, overhang_panel_y, panel_z], center=true, radius=1);
// this takes the base_panel and makes it a small frame, putting a larger top plate
module base_panel_with_raised_overhang() {
// make a frame out of the top plate (and keep the main plate on the center plane)
translate([0, 0, -5]) difference() {
cube([panel_x-(panel_support_width*2), panel_y-(panel_support_width*2), panel_z], center=true);
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, -2.5]) resize([0, 0, 10])
translate([-(panel_to_frame_point_x), panel_to_frame_point_y, -2.5]) resize([0, 0, 10])
rotate([0, 0, 90]) frame_mount_column();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -(panel_to_frame_point_y), -2.5]) resize([0, 0, 10])
rotate([0, 0, 270]) frame_mount_column();
translate([-(panel_to_frame_point_x), -(panel_to_frame_point_y), -2.5]) resize([0, 0, 10])
rotate([0, 0, 180]) frame_mount_column();
module panel_with_raised_overhang() {
difference() {
module frame_box() {
difference() {
points = [ [(frame_x/2)-3, (frame_y/2)-3, 0], [-(frame_x/2)+3, (frame_y/2)-3, 0],
[(frame_x/2)-3, -(frame_y/2)+3, 0], [-(frame_x/2)+3, -(frame_y/2)+3, 0] ];
hull() {
for (p = points) {
translate(p) cylinder(r=3, h=frame_z, center=true);
// cut out the middle to make it a box
cube([panel_x-(panel_support_width*2), panel_y-(panel_support_width*2), frame_z+5], center=true);
module frame_mount_column() {
cube([20, 20, frame_z], center=true);
// add some corners back to do a lame chamfer
linear_extrude(height=frame_z, center=true)
polygon([[10, 10], [-20, 10], [10, -20]]);
module side_chopper() {
translate([(frame_x-frame_wall)/2+panel_overhang_amount, 0, 0])
cube([frame_wall+panel_overhang_amount*2, overhang_panel_y, frame_z], center=true);
module frame_connection_holes() {
translate([frame_x/2, (frame_y/4)+15, (frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([frame_x/2, (frame_y/4)+15, -(frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([frame_x/2, (frame_y/4)-15, (frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([frame_x/2, (frame_y/4)-15, -(frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([frame_x/2, -((frame_y/4)+15), (frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([frame_x/2, -((frame_y/4)+15), -(frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([frame_x/2, -((frame_y/4)-15), (frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
translate([frame_x/2, -((frame_y/4)-15), -(frame_z/4)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4_hole();
module frame_cable_routing_hole() {
translate([frame_x/2, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) frame_interchange_hole();
module base_frame() {
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) frame_mount_column();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) frame_mount_column();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, -(panel_to_frame_point_y), 0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) frame_mount_column();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -(panel_to_frame_point_y), 0]) rotate([0, 0, 270]) frame_mount_column();
module frame() {
difference() {
translate([0, 0, frame_z/2]) scale([1, 1, 2]) base_panel();
translate([0, 0, -frame_z/2]) scale([1, 1, 2]) base_panel();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, 0]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
// comfort bevel
translate([0, -frame_y/2, frame_z/2]) rotate([45, 0, 0]) cube([frame_x+0.01, 4, 4], center=true);
// slightly larger holes than the posts in the base_panel
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, frame_z/2-panel_z-5])
scale([1.45, 1.45, 0.2]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, panel_to_frame_point_y, frame_z/2-panel_z-5])
scale([1.45, 1.45, 0.2]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, frame_z/2-panel_z-5])
scale([1.45, 1.45, 0.2]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
translate([-panel_to_frame_point_x, -panel_to_frame_point_y, frame_z/2-panel_z-5])
scale([1.45, 1.45, 0.2]) frame_hex_bolt_hole();
// Directional Arc (both hands)
module dir_arc_24mm_directionals() {
translate([29.5, 0, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3, -12.9, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+15.5, -65.2, 0]) button_30mm_hole();
module dir_arc_24mm_6_button() {
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8, 0, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+26.9, 10.9, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+26.9+29.6, 10.9, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+15.5+9.7, -29.4, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+26.9-1.7, 10.9-30.1, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+26.9+29.6-0.2, 10.9-30.1, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
module dir_arc_24mm_8_button() {
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+26.9+29.6+29.5, 7.1, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+26.9+29.6+29.5-0.3, -23.9, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
// 6 button plus the normal fourth column for 8 button actually on a third row
module dir_arc_24mm_8_button_compressed() {
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+2.6, 29.4, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
translate([29.5+26.3+27.8+26.9+2.6, 40.3, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
module dir_arc_plus_w_24mm_8_button() {
translate([36, 28, 0]) button_24mm_hole();
// Directional Arc (left hand)
module dir_arc_30mm_thumb_button() {
// just my guesstimate on this one, but note that this is the same position as sega 2p (just mirrored)
translate([(panel_x/2)-28.06, (-panel_y/2)+62, 0]) button_30mm_hole();
module dir_arc_30mm_finger_buttons() {
translate([0, 57.2, 0]) dir_arc_30mm_thumb_button();
translate([-33.8, 57.2+12.9, 0]) dir_arc_30mm_thumb_button();
translate([-33.8-34.8, 57.2+12.9, 0]) dir_arc_30mm_thumb_button();
module dir_arc_w_30mm() {
translate([-26.8, 57.2+12.9+34.5, 0]) dir_arc_30mm_thumb_button();
module dir_arc_w_30mm_plus_one() {
translate([-33.8-34.8-33.8, 57.2, 0]) dir_arc_30mm_thumb_button();
// Namco Noir (right hand)
module noir_button_p1() {
translate([-panel_x/2, -panel_y/2, 0]) translate([35, 140, 0]) button_30mm_hole();
module noir_plus_one() {
// standard 8 (all relative to the first button) (via r/fightsticks)
translate([32.94, 7.37+4.49, 0]) noir_button_p1();
translate([32.94+34.54, 7.37, 0]) noir_button_p1();
translate([32.94+34.54+33.02, -6.86, 0]) noir_button_p1();
translate([-3.47, -6.86-19.64-4.32-7.62, 0]) noir_button_p1();
translate([29.38, -6.86-19.64, 0]) noir_button_p1();
translate([29.38+3.56+31.24, -6.86-19.64-4.32, 0]) noir_button_p1();
translate([29.38+3.56+31.24+3.3+29.04, -6.86-19.64-4.32-7.62-6.93, 0]) noir_button_p1();
// just my guesstimate on this one, but note that this is the same position as sega 2p
translate([-3.47-3.47, -78, 0]) noir_button_p1();
// Sega Astro City 2P (right hand)
module sega_2p_p1() {
translate([-panel_x/2, -panel_y/2, 0]) translate([28.06, 140, 0]) button_30mm_hole();
module sega_2p_6_button() {
// via slagcoin
translate([30.5, 11+9, 0]) sega_2p_p1();
translate([30.5+36, 11+9, 0]) sega_2p_p1();
translate([0, -19-9-11, 0]) sega_2p_p1();
translate([30.5, -19, 0]) sega_2p_p1();
translate([30.5+36, -19, 0]) sega_2p_p1();
module sega_2p() {
translate([30.5+36+36, 11, 0]) sega_2p_p1();
translate([30.5+36+36, -19-9, 0]) sega_2p_p1();
module sega_2p_plus_one() {
// just my guesstimate on this one
translate([0, -19-9-11-19-9-11, 0]) sega_2p_p1();