Title: Adventuring! Description: Now in the Cypher System! Footer: Numenera, the Cypher System, No Thank You, Evil!, Invisible Sun, and their respective logos are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2022 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Full Disclaimer. # Adventuring! Adventuring! is a fantasy campaign run in Yacsra (yet another campaign setting roughly assembled). Previously [a 13th Age game](/13th-age/adventuring/), this is a currently speculative-only attempt at creating the vibe in the Cypher System. ## Campaign Synopsis * The universe is a wide assortment of planes, including law/chaos, good/evil, and light/dark forces, connected via an astral plane. * Magic is common but not commonly-practiced, and is nearly limitless in potential (e.g. *wish*, *true resurrection*, etc.). * Casting magic can be learned, divinely bestowed, or inherent. * Civilization ranges from hunter tribes to grand metropolises, points of light with much uncharted territory in between. * The world is old, many civilizations have risen and fallen. * The world itself is magical, and not strictly bound by natural law. * Humans, elves, and dwarves are most common among civilized lands, but plenty of other intelligent humanoids show up. ## Characters * [Barney](barney) is a doomed tough abomination [warrior] who does not tread lightly. * [Raistlin Majere-Diamondson](raistlin) is a ? elf sorcerer [adept] who consorts with the dead. * [Ramaria](ramaria) is an inquisitive fungoid cleric [speaker] who channels divine blessings. * [Sandy Gnorman "Gnorm" Diamondson](gnorm) is a chaotic gnome mage [adept] who uses wild magic. * [Ureiden Bremini](ureiden) is a ? halfling barbarian [warrior] who ?. ## Resources * [Cypher Tables](cypher-tables) ## Character Creation At their basic level, characters are defined as *NAME is a [adjective] [adjective] [noun] who [verbs]*. Adjectives are **descriptors**, and PCs get two; one general descriptor and one racial descriptor (or two general descriptors for humans). Nouns are **types**, similar to character classes, and verbs are **foci**. Chapter 4 of the *Cypher System Rulebook* details character creation, with description of the mechanical elements, and a small sidebar summarizing the steps to take to create a character. ### Sources The majority of the options below are found, and best described, in the *Cypher System Rulebook*, with an open gaming version available via the [Cypher SRD](http://www.cyphersrd.com/). Most others come from *Godforsaken*, which will eventually be added to the Cypher SRD. Anything homebrew we'll write up and link to here. I skipped listing a lot of the core content, because there's no point in repeating that everything in the core book/SRD are fair game --- the exception to this are the foci, which are tailored below. ### Types, or ideas therein The four [types (SRD)](http://www.cyphersrd.com/type.php) are all relevant to the game (note: the SRD is currently missing some Warrior tables). That resource, and additional information in *Godforsaken*, have suggestions on how to build all of the classic classes via the type system. For example, a barbarian would likely be a Warrior that takes the Rages ability, but a bard might easily be an Explorer or a Speaker, depending on the concept and desired abilities. [Customization (SRD)](http://www.cyphersrd.com/type_customization.php) continues additional ideas, especially Flavors, which are not dissimilar to the idea of subclassing. A spellblade may be a Warrior with the Magic flavor, for example. *Godforsaken* has the best guidance here, though plenty of ideas are presented in the core book/SRD. ### Descriptors Descriptors are the adjectives for the character, describing how the character goes about their business. All of the [Descriptors (SRD)](http://www.cyphersrd.com/descriptor.php) in the core book are fair game, generally speaking, as are the [Fantasy Species Descriptors (SRD)](http://www.cyphersrd.com/genres.php). *Godforsaken* also has a couple more, plus whatever we might homebrew: * *Godforsaken:* Catfolk; Dragonfolk; Gnome; Halfling; Lizardfolk ### Foci Foci are the possible verb-phrases that describe what the character does and is good at, beyond the basics from their type. Most but not all foci in the core book are suitable for the campaign. The following is a mostly-vetted list of core and *Godforsaken* foci (others are negotiable): * *Core:* Abides in Stone; Bears A Halo of Fire; Blazes With Radiance; Builds Robots; Channels Divine Blessings; Commands Mental Powers; Consorts With the Dead; Controls Beasts; Crafts Illusions; Crafts Unique Objects; Defends the Gate; Defends the Weak; Descends From Nobility; Entertains; Exists In Two Places At Once; Exists Partially Out Of Phase; Explores Dark Places; Fights Dirty; Fights With Panache; Focuses Mind Over Matter; Howls At The Moon; Hunts; Infiltrates; Keeps A Magic Ally; Leads; Lives in the Wilderness; Looks For Trouble; Masters Defense; Masters Spells; Masters the Swarm; Masters Weaponry; Moves Like a Cat; Murders; Needs No Weapon; Never Says Die; Performs Feats of Strength; Rages; Rides the Lightning; Sees Beyond; Sailed Beneath the Jolly Roger; Scavenges; Sees Beyond; Separates Mind From Body; Shepherds the Community; Shepherds Spirits; Slays Monsters; Speaks For the Land; Stands Like a Bastion; Throws With Deadly Accuracy; Thunders; Travels Through Time; Was Foretold; Wears A Sheen of Ice; Wields Two Weapons At Once; Works Miracles; Works the Back Alleys * *Godforsaken:* Takes Animal Shape; Uses Wild Magic; Walks the Wild Woods; Wields an Enchanted Weapon ### Abilities Types and foci give access to abilities, depending on the character's tier (level, basically). There's no point in listing them all, if your choices grant access to the ability, it's in.