Title: A Storm Invited: I. Shadows of the Past Description: A solo Cypher System campaign by bss. Footer: Numenera, the Cypher System, No Thank You, Evil!, Invisible Sun, and their respective logos are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2022 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Full Disclaimer. # Shadows of the Past > I started by rolling for my two cyphers, disguise module and heat attack. Cyne crawls through the muddy ditch, rain beating on his cloak and furthering the miserable conditions he finds himself in, attempting to evade the local guard searching for him. His previous attempts to slip into the library in plain sight having failed, his next plan was to attempt a night infiltration, where he now finds himself ducking from alley to alley, hiding in ditches, and the like, until he can no longer hear the guards. He must give them every sense that what they saw was just an errant townsperson, or perhaps a figment of their imagination, before he can continue. > The guard is decent but not amazing, I figure, so let's call them level 3, but it's dark and rainy, and Cyne is > trained in sneaking, so eased two steps... > > 1d20 = 2; **failure** > > welp The guard, three of them in the immediate area, find Cyne, who pulls himself out of the muck while he is surrounded, raising his arms slightly, in a somewhat insincere surrender. *What is my move here?* he wonders. *There's always lying...* "Just on my way home," Cyne somewhat awkwardly sputters, definitely not prepared with a practiced lie. > D3 Intellect task, hindered one: 1d20 = 11; **failure** The guards are not buying it, and begin to close in. *I don't need to kill them,* Cyne thinks, drawing his greatsword from overhead, attempting to get the jump on them. *But I do need to get out of here.* > D3 Speed task for initiative: 1d20 = 16; **success** > > D3 Might to hit a guard, one level of effort, also using Charge Weapon: 1d20 = 5; **failure**; 3-1 Might, 2-1 > Intellect cost (current levels: Might 13, Speed 10, Intellect 12) > > geez Cyne strikes first, rushing in for the attack, but slightly misses, unable to make contact. His enchanted blade hums with energy, but strikes nothing but air. > Three attacks from the guards, going to take things one at a time. D3 Speed defense, with one level of training. > > 1d20 = 6; **success**, 1d20 = 14; **success**; 1d20 = 14; **success** > > let's just roll right into another attack, trying to get something going here. Cyne attacks again, same as last time > > D3 Might to hit a guard, one level of effort, also using Charge Weapon: 1d20 = 1; **fumble**; 3-1 Might, 2-1 > Intellect cost (current levels: Might 11, Speed 10, Intellect 11) > > you've got to be kidding me Cyne and the guards trade ineffective blows, Cyne deftly dodging, and the guard focused on by Cyne deftly side-stepping his blow. Misfortune seems to beget misfortune, as another guard spots the melee in the process, joining in and adding to the list of attackers. > Attacks from the now four guards. 11, 20, 2, and 19. > > New stats after the damage: Might 8, Speed 10, Intellect 11 Continuing to dodge blows, Cyne gives the second attacking guard a quick slip, causing him to lose his balance and fall face-first into the mud and muck of the alley. *A bit of luck, finally,* thinks Cyne. And then, just as suddenly, a guard finally makes contact, striking Cyne. The last guard also misses. > D3 Might to hit the prone guard, one level of effort, also eased a step as the guard is prone, also using Charge > Weapon: 1d20 = 11; **success**; 3-1 Might, 2-1 Intellect cost (current levels: Might 6, Speed 10, Intellect 10) > > Guard takes 9 damage and is incapacitated in one blow. Cyne finally strikes, landing a strong blow on the guard who slipped, dropping him. *This is stretching me further than I hoped it would...* thinks Cyne, as he prepares to dodge another batch of attacks. > D3 Speed eased one from training: 19, 19, 6 Two guards slip on the muck, not falling, but losing their focus for a moment. Their defenses aren't lowered, but they may have a harder time striking Cyne for a moment, letting him focus on the remaining guard. > D3 Might to hit the unslipped guard, also using Charge > Weapon: 1d20 = 9; **success**; 2-1 Intellect cost (current levels: Might 6, Speed 10, Intellect 9) > > Guard takes 9 damage and is incapacitated in one blow.