Title: Sandy Gnorman "Gnorm" Diamondson Description: Sandy Gnorman "Gnorm" Diamondson is a chaotic gnome mage [adept] who uses wild magic. Footer: Numenera, the Cypher System, No Thank You, Evil!, Invisible Sun, and their respective logos are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2022 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Full Disclaimer. # Sandy Gnorman "Gnorm" Diamondson Work in progress. *Sandy Gnorman "Gnorm" Diamondson is a chaotic gnome mage [adept] who uses wild magic.* * **Might: 7, Speed: 16, Intellect: 17** * **Effort:** 1 * **Intellect Edge:** 1 * **Cyphers:** 3 + 2 more which must be subtle. * *wand of disintegration* [radiation spike, level 7], *blink balm* [blinking, level 6], *scroll of darkness* [blackout, level 7], *intellect booster* [level 5], *rejuvenator* [level 4] * **Skills:** *TODO:* Trained in Intellect defense actions, trained in two creative skills, practiced using hammers. * **Inabilities:** Might defense tasks are hindered, Might-based tasks are hindered. * **Equipment:** Appropriate clothing, bag of light or heavy tools, light armour hides and furs, net, dagger, hammer, adventuring pack, ale gallon, 4 ale mugs, backpack, climbing kit, lockpicks, 5.64 gp. * **Weapons:** Can use light weapons without penalty, inability with medium and heavy weapons. * **Abilities:** Distortion, Hedge Magic, Push, Onslaught, Minor Illusion, Magical Repertoire, Cypher Casting. * **Chaotic:** Once after each ten-hour recovery roll, reroll a die roll of your choice and get presented with a GM intrusion. * **Arc:** *TODO* [This actually converted pretty well. The cypher abilities give a lot of randomness.]