"""Unit test helper methods.""" from werkzeug.http import dump_cookie from incorporealcms.pages import generate_parent_navs, is_file_path_actually_dir_path, render, resolve_page_file def test_resolve_page_file_dir_to_index(): """Test that a request to a directory path results in the dir's index.md.""" assert resolve_page_file('foo/') == 'pages/foo/index.md' def test_resolve_page_file_subdir_to_index(): """Test that a request to a dir's subdir path results in the subdir's index.md.""" assert resolve_page_file('foo/bar/') == 'pages/foo/bar/index.md' def test_resolve_page_file_other_requests_fine(): """Test that a request to non-dir path results in a Markdown file.""" assert resolve_page_file('foo/baz') == 'pages/foo/baz.md' def test_generate_page_navs_index(app): """Test that the index page has navs to the root (itself).""" with app.app_context(): assert generate_parent_navs('/') == [('incorporeal.org', '/')] def test_generate_page_navs_alternate_index(app): """Test that the index page (as a page, not a path) also has navs only to the root (by path).""" with app.app_context(): assert generate_parent_navs('index') == [('incorporeal.org', '/')] def test_generate_page_navs_subdir_index(app): """Test that dir pages have navs to the root and themselves.""" with app.app_context(): assert generate_parent_navs('subdir/') == [('incorporeal.org', '/'), ('/subdir/', '/subdir/')] def test_generate_page_navs_subdir_real_page(app): """Test that real pages have navs to the root, their parent, and themselves.""" with app.app_context(): assert generate_parent_navs('subdir/page') == [('incorporeal.org', '/'), ('/subdir/', '/subdir/'), ('Page', '/subdir/page')] def test_generate_page_navs_subdir_with_title_parsing_real_page(app): """Test that title metadata is used in the nav text.""" with app.app_context(): assert generate_parent_navs('subdir-with-title/page') == [ ('incorporeal.org', '/'), ('SUB!', '/subdir-with-title/'), ('/subdir-with-title/page', '/subdir-with-title/page') ] def test_is_file_path_actually_dir_path_valid_file_is_yes(app): """Test that a file request for what's actually a directory is detected as such.""" with app.app_context(): assert is_file_path_actually_dir_path('/subdir') def test_is_file_path_actually_dir_path_valid_dir_is_no(app): """Test that a directory request is still a directory request.""" with app.app_context(): assert not is_file_path_actually_dir_path('/subdir/') def test_is_file_path_actually_dir_path_nonsense_file_is_no(app): """Test that requests to nonsense file-looking paths aren't treated as dirs.""" with app.app_context(): assert not is_file_path_actually_dir_path('/antphnathpnthapnthsnthax') def test_is_file_path_actually_dir_path_nonsense_dir_is_no(app): """Test that a directory request is a directory request even if the dir doesn't exist.""" with app.app_context(): assert not is_file_path_actually_dir_path('/antphnathpnthapnthsnthax/') def test_render_with_user_dark_theme(app): """Test that a request with the dark theme selected renders the dark theme.""" cookie = dump_cookie("user-style", 'dark') with app.test_request_context(headers={'COOKIE': cookie}): assert b'dark.css' in render('base.html').data assert b'light.css' not in render('base.html').data def test_render_with_user_light_theme(app): """Test that a request with the light theme selected renders the light theme.""" with app.test_request_context(): assert b'light.css' in render('base.html').data assert b'dark.css' not in render('base.html').data def test_render_with_no_user_theme(app): """Test that a request with no theme set renders the light theme.""" with app.test_request_context(): assert b'light.css' in render('base.html').data assert b'dark.css' not in render('base.html').data