"""Test graphviz functionality.""" import os from incorporealcms import create_app HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def app_with_pydot(): """Create the test app, including the pydot extension.""" return create_app(instance_path=os.path.join(HERE, 'instance'), test_config={'MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS': ['incorporealcms.mdx.pydot']}) def test_functional_initialization(): """Test initialization with the graphviz config.""" app = app_with_pydot() assert app is not None def test_graphviz_is_rendered(): """Initialize the app with the graphviz extension and ensure it does something.""" app = app_with_pydot() client = app.test_client() response = client.get('/test-graphviz') assert response.status_code == 200 assert b'~~~pydot' not in response.data assert b'data:image/png;base64' in response.data