
293 lines
14 KiB

"""Build binary files for a GP2040-CE board.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Brian S. Stephan <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import argparse
import copy
import logging
from typing import Optional
from google.protobuf.message import Message
from gp2040ce_bintools import core_parser
from gp2040ce_bintools.rp2040 import get_bootsel_endpoints, read, write
USER_CONFIG_BOOTSEL_ADDRESS, get_config_from_json, pad_config_to_storage_size,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
GP2040CE_START_ADDRESS = 0x10000000
GP2040CE_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024
class FirmwareLengthError(ValueError):
"""Exception raised when the firmware is too large to fit the known storage location."""
def combine_firmware_and_config(firmware_binary: bytearray, board_config_binary: bytearray,
user_config_binary: bytearray, replace_extra: bool = False) -> bytearray:
"""Given firmware and board and/or user config binaries, combine to one binary with proper offsets for GP2040-CE.
firmware_binary: binary data of the raw GP2040-CE firmware, probably but not necessarily unpadded
board_config_binary: binary data of board config + footer, possibly padded to be a full storage section
user_config_binary: binary data of user config + footer, possibly padded to be a full storage section
replace_extra: if larger than normal firmware files should have their overage replaced
the resulting correctly-offset binary suitable for a GP2040-CE board
if not board_config_binary and not user_config_binary:
raise ValueError("at least one config binary must be provided!")
combined = copy.copy(firmware_binary)
if board_config_binary:
combined = (pad_binary_up_to_board_config(combined, or_truncate=replace_extra) +
if user_config_binary:
combined = (pad_binary_up_to_user_config(combined, or_truncate=replace_extra) +
return combined
def concatenate_firmware_and_storage_files(firmware_filename: str,
binary_board_config_filename: Optional[str] = None,
json_board_config_filename: Optional[str] = None,
binary_user_config_filename: Optional[str] = None,
json_user_config_filename: Optional[str] = None,
combined_filename: str = '', usb: bool = False,
replace_extra: bool = False) -> None:
"""Open the provided binary files and combine them into one combined GP2040-CE with config file.
firmware_filename: filename of the firmware binary to read
binary_board_config_filename: filename of the board config section to read, in binary format
json_board_config_filename: filename of the board config section to read, in JSON format
binary_user_config_filename: filename of the user config section to read, in binary format
json_user_config_filename: filename of the user config section to read, in JSON format
combined_filename: filename of where to write the combine binary
replace_extra: if larger than normal firmware files should have their overage replaced
new_binary = bytearray([])
board_config_binary = bytearray([])
user_config_binary = bytearray([])
if binary_board_config_filename:
with open(binary_board_config_filename, 'rb') as storage:
board_config_binary = bytearray(
elif json_board_config_filename:
with open(json_board_config_filename, 'r') as json_file:
config = get_config_from_json(
board_config_binary = serialize_config_with_footer(config)
if binary_user_config_filename:
with open(binary_user_config_filename, 'rb') as storage:
user_config_binary = bytearray(
elif json_user_config_filename:
with open(json_user_config_filename, 'r') as json_file:
config = get_config_from_json(
user_config_binary = serialize_config_with_footer(config)
with open(firmware_filename, 'rb') as firmware:
new_binary = combine_firmware_and_config(bytearray(, board_config_binary, user_config_binary,
if combined_filename:
with open(combined_filename, 'wb') as combined:
if usb:
endpoint_out, endpoint_in = get_bootsel_endpoints()
write(endpoint_out, endpoint_in, GP2040CE_START_ADDRESS, bytes(new_binary))
def get_gp2040ce_from_usb() -> tuple[bytes, object, object]:
"""Read the firmware + config sections from a USB device.
the bytes from the board, along with the USB out and in endpoints for reference
# open the USB device and get the config
endpoint_out, endpoint_in = get_bootsel_endpoints()
logger.debug("reading DEVICE ID %s:%s, bus %s, address %s", hex(endpoint_out.device.idVendor),
hex(endpoint_out.device.idProduct), endpoint_out.device.bus, endpoint_out.device.address)
content = read(endpoint_out, endpoint_in, GP2040CE_START_ADDRESS, GP2040CE_SIZE)
return content, endpoint_out, endpoint_in
def pad_binary_up_to_address(binary: bytes, position: int, or_truncate: bool = False) -> bytearray:
"""Provide a copy of the firmware padded with zero bytes up to the provided position.
binary: the binary to process
position: the byte to pad to
or_truncate: if the firmware is longer than expected, just return the max size
the resulting padded binary as a bytearray
FirmwareLengthError: if the firmware is larger than the storage location
bytes_to_pad = position - len(binary)
logger.debug("firmware is length %s, padding %s bytes", len(binary), bytes_to_pad)
if bytes_to_pad < 0:
if or_truncate:
return bytearray(binary[0:position])
raise FirmwareLengthError(f"provided firmware binary is larger than the start of "
f"storage at {position}!")
return bytearray(binary) + bytearray(b'\x00' * bytes_to_pad)
def pad_binary_up_to_board_config(firmware: bytes, or_truncate: bool = False) -> bytearray:
"""Provide a copy of the firmware padded with zero bytes up to the board config position.
firmware: the firmware binary to process
or_truncate: if the firmware is longer than expected, just return the max size
the resulting padded binary as a bytearray
FirmwareLengthError: if the firmware is larger than the storage location
return pad_binary_up_to_address(firmware, BOARD_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION, or_truncate)
def pad_binary_up_to_user_config(firmware: bytes, or_truncate: bool = False) -> bytearray:
"""Provide a copy of the firmware padded with zero bytes up to the user config position.
firmware: the firmware binary to process
or_truncate: if the firmware is longer than expected, just return the max size
the resulting padded binary as a bytearray
FirmwareLengthError: if the firmware is larger than the storage location
return pad_binary_up_to_address(firmware, USER_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION, or_truncate)
def replace_config_in_binary(board_binary: bytearray, config_binary: bytearray) -> bytearray:
"""Given (presumed) whole board and config binaries, combine the two to one, with proper offsets for GP2040-CE.
Whatever is in the board binary is not sanity checked, and is overwritten. If it is
too small to be a board dump, it is nonetheless expanded and overwritten to fit the
proper size.
board_binary: binary data of a whole board dump from a GP2040-CE board
config_binary: binary data of board config + footer, possibly padded to be a full storage section
the resulting correctly-offset binary suitable for a GP2040-CE board
# this is functionally the same, since this doesn't sanity check the firmware
return combine_firmware_and_config(board_binary, bytearray([]), config_binary)
new_binary = bytearray(copy.copy(board_binary))
new_config = pad_config_to_storage_size(config_binary)
return new_binary
def write_new_config_to_filename(config: Message, filename: str, inject: bool = False) -> None:
"""Serialize the provided config to the specified file.
The file may be replaced, creating a configuration section-only binary, or appended to
an existing file that is grown to place the config section in the proper location.
config: the Protobuf configuration to write to disk
filename: the filename to write the serialized configuration to
inject: if True, the file is read in and has its storage section replaced; if False,
the whole file is replaced
if inject:
config_binary = serialize_config_with_footer(config)
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
existing_binary =
binary = replace_config_in_binary(bytearray(existing_binary), config_binary)
binary = serialize_config_with_footer(config)
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
def write_new_config_to_usb(config: Message, endpoint_out: object, endpoint_in: object):
"""Serialize the provided config to a device over USB, in the proper location for a GP2040-CE board.
config: the Protobuf configuration to write to a RP2040 board in BOOTSEL mode
endpoint_out: the USB endpoint to write to
endpoint_in: the USB endpoint to read from
serialized = serialize_config_with_footer(config)
# we don't write the whole area, just the minimum from the end of the storage section
# nevertheless, the USB device needs writes to start at 256 byte boundaries
logger.debug("serialized: %s", serialized)
# not sure why this minimal padding isn't working but it leads to corruption
# maybe claims that erase need to be on 4096 byte sectors?
# padding = 256 - (len(serialized) % 256)
padding = 4096 - (len(serialized) % 4096)
logger.debug("length: %s with %s bytes of padding", len(serialized), padding)
binary = bytearray(b'\x00' * padding) + serialized
logger.debug("binary for writing: %s", binary)
write(endpoint_out, endpoint_in, USER_CONFIG_BOOTSEL_ADDRESS + (STORAGE_SIZE - len(binary)), bytes(binary))
def concatenate():
"""Combine a built firmware .bin and a storage .bin."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Combine a compiled GP2040-CE firmware-only .bin and existing user and/or board storage area(s) "
"or config .bin(s) into one file suitable for flashing onto a board.",
parser.add_argument('--replace-extra', action='store_true',
help="if the firmware file is larger than the location of storage, perhaps because it's "
"actually a full board dump, overwrite its config section with the config binary")
parser.add_argument('firmware_filename', help=".bin file of a GP2040-CE firmware, probably from a build")
board_config_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
help=".bin file of a GP2040-CE board config w/footer")
board_config_group.add_argument('--json-board-config-filename', help=".json file of a GP2040-CE board config")
user_config_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
help=".bin file of a GP2040-CE user config w/footer")
user_config_group.add_argument('--json-user-config-filename', help=".json file of a GP2040-CE user config")
output_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
output_group.add_argument('--usb', action='store_true', help="write the resulting firmware + storage to USB")
output_group.add_argument('--new-binary-filename', help="output .bin file of the resulting firmware + storage")
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
combined_filename=args.new_binary_filename, usb=args.usb,
def dump_gp2040ce():
"""Copy the whole GP2040-CE section off of a BOOTSEL mode board."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Read the GP2040-CE firmware + storage section off of a connected USB RP2040 in BOOTSEL mode.",
parser.add_argument('binary_filename', help="output .bin file of the resulting firmware + storage")
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
content, _, _ = get_gp2040ce_from_usb()
with open(args.binary_filename, 'wb') as out_file: