"""Tests for the image builder module.""" import os import sys import unittest.mock as mock import pytest from decorator import decorator from gp2040ce_bintools import get_config_pb2 from gp2040ce_bintools.builder import (FirmwareLengthError, combine_firmware_and_config, pad_firmware_up_to_storage, replace_config_in_binary, write_new_config_to_filename, write_new_config_to_usb) from gp2040ce_bintools.storage import get_config, get_config_footer, get_storage_section, serialize_config_with_footer HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) @decorator def with_pb2s(test, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap a test with precompiled pb2 files on the path.""" proto_path = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'pb2-files') sys.path.append(proto_path) test(*args, **kwargs) sys.path.pop() del sys.modules['config_pb2'] def test_padding_firmware(firmware_binary): """Test that firmware is padded to the expected size.""" padded = pad_firmware_up_to_storage(firmware_binary) assert len(padded) == 2088960 def test_firmware_plus_storage(firmware_binary, storage_dump): """Test that combining firmware and storage produces a valid combined binary.""" whole_board = combine_firmware_and_config(firmware_binary, storage_dump) # if this is valid, we should be able to find the storage and footer again storage = get_storage_section(whole_board) footer_size, _, _ = get_config_footer(storage) assert footer_size == 2032 def test_firmware_plus_config_binary(firmware_binary, config_binary): """Test that combining firmware and storage produces a valid combined binary.""" whole_board = combine_firmware_and_config(firmware_binary, config_binary) # if this is valid, we should be able to find the storage and footer again storage = get_storage_section(whole_board) footer_size, _, _ = get_config_footer(storage) assert footer_size == 2032 def test_replace_config_in_binary(config_binary): """Test that a config binary is placed in the storage location of a source binary to overwrite.""" whole_board = replace_config_in_binary(bytearray(b'\x00' * 3 * 1024 * 1024), config_binary) assert len(whole_board) == 3 * 1024 * 1024 # if this is valid, we should be able to find the storage and footer again storage = get_storage_section(whole_board) footer_size, _, _ = get_config_footer(storage) assert footer_size == 2032 def test_replace_config_in_binary_not_big_enough(config_binary): """Test that a config binary is placed in the storage location of a source binary to pad.""" whole_board = replace_config_in_binary(bytearray(b'\x00' * 1 * 1024 * 1024), config_binary) assert len(whole_board) == 2 * 1024 * 1024 # if this is valid, we should be able to find the storage and footer again storage = get_storage_section(whole_board) footer_size, _, _ = get_config_footer(storage) assert footer_size == 2032 def test_padding_firmware_too_big(firmware_binary): """Test that firmware is padded to the expected size.""" with pytest.raises(FirmwareLengthError): _ = pad_firmware_up_to_storage(firmware_binary + firmware_binary + firmware_binary) @with_pb2s def test_write_new_config_to_whole_board(whole_board_dump, tmp_path): """Test that the config can be overwritten on a whole board dump.""" tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'whole-board-dump-copy.bin') with open(tmp_file, 'wb') as file: file.write(whole_board_dump) # reread just in case with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as file: board_dump = file.read() config = get_config(get_storage_section(board_dump)) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.2' config.boardVersion = 'v0.7.2-COOL' write_new_config_to_filename(config, tmp_file, inject=True) # read new file with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as file: new_board_dump = file.read() config = get_config(get_storage_section(new_board_dump)) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.2-COOL' assert len(board_dump) == len(new_board_dump) @with_pb2s def test_write_new_config_to_firmware(firmware_binary, tmp_path): """Test that the config can be added on a firmware.""" tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'firmware-copy.bin') with open(tmp_file, 'wb') as file: file.write(firmware_binary) config_pb2 = get_config_pb2() config = config_pb2.Config() config.boardVersion = 'v0.7.2-COOL' write_new_config_to_filename(config, tmp_file, inject=True) # read new file with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as file: new_board_dump = file.read() config = get_config(get_storage_section(new_board_dump)) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.2-COOL' assert len(new_board_dump) == 2 * 1024 * 1024 @with_pb2s def test_write_new_config_to_config_bin(firmware_binary, tmp_path): """Test that the config can be written to a file.""" tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'config.bin') config_pb2 = get_config_pb2() config = config_pb2.Config() config.boardVersion = 'v0.7.2-COOL' write_new_config_to_filename(config, tmp_file) # read new file with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as file: config_dump = file.read() config = get_config(config_dump) config_size, _, _ = get_config_footer(config_dump) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.2-COOL' assert len(config_dump) == config_size + 12 @with_pb2s def test_write_new_config_to_usb(config_binary): """Test that the config can be written to USB at the proper alignment.""" config = get_config(config_binary) serialized = serialize_config_with_footer(config) end_out, end_in = mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock() with mock.patch('gp2040ce_bintools.builder.write') as mock_write: write_new_config_to_usb(config, end_out, end_in) # check that it got padded padded_serialized = bytearray(b'\x00' * 4) + serialized assert mock_write.call_args.args[2] % 256 == 0 assert mock_write.call_args.args[3] == padded_serialized