"""Build binary files for a GP2040-CE board.""" import argparse import logging from gp2040ce_bintools import core_parser from gp2040ce_bintools.storage import STORAGE_LOCATION, pad_config_to_storage_size logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ################# # LIBRARY ITEMS # ################# class FirmwareLengthError(ValueError): """Exception raised when the firmware is too large to fit the known storage location.""" def combine_firmware_and_config(firmware_binary: bytearray, config_binary: bytearray) -> bytearray: """Given firmware and config binaries, combine the two to one, with proper offsets for GP2040-CE. Args: firmware_binary: binary data of the raw GP2040-CE firmware, probably but not necessarily unpadded config_binary: binary data of board config + footer, possibly padded to be a full storage section Returns: the resulting correctly-offset binary suitable for a GP2040-CE board """ return pad_firmware_up_to_storage(firmware_binary) + pad_config_to_storage_size(config_binary) def concatenate_firmware_and_storage_files(firmware_filename: str, storage_filename: str, combined_filename: str): """Open the provided binary files and combine them into one combined GP2040-CE with config file. Args: firmware_filename: filename of the firmware binary to read storage_filename: filename of the storage section to read combined_filename: filename of where to write the combine binary """ with open(firmware_filename, 'rb') as firmware, open(storage_filename, 'rb') as storage: new_binary = combine_firmware_and_config(bytearray(firmware.read()), bytearray(storage.read())) with open(combined_filename, 'wb') as combined: combined.write(new_binary) def pad_firmware_up_to_storage(firmware: bytes) -> bytearray: """Provide a copy of the firmware padded with zero bytes up to the provided position. Args: firmware: the firmware binary to process Returns: the resulting padded binary as a bytearray Raises: FirmwareLengthError: if the firmware is larger than the storage location """ bytes_to_pad = STORAGE_LOCATION - len(firmware) logger.debug("firmware is length %s, padding %s bytes", len(firmware), bytes_to_pad) if bytes_to_pad < 0: raise FirmwareLengthError(f"provided firmware binary is larger than the start of " f"storage at {STORAGE_LOCATION}!") return bytearray(firmware) + bytearray(b'\x00' * bytes_to_pad) ############ # COMMANDS # ############ def concatenate(): """Combine a built firmware .bin and a storage .bin.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Combine a compiled GP2040-CE firmware-only .bin and an existing storage area or config .bin " "into one file suitable for flashing onto a board.", parents=[core_parser], ) parser.add_argument('firmware_filename', help=".bin file of a GP2040-CE firmware, probably from a build") parser.add_argument('config_filename', help=".bin file of a GP2040-CE board's storage section or config w/footer") parser.add_argument('new_binary_filename', help="output .bin file of the resulting firmware + storage") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() concatenate_firmware_and_storage_files(args.firmware_filename, args.config_filename, args.new_binary_filename)