"""Unit tests for the storage module. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Brian S. Stephan SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later """ import math import os import sys import unittest.mock as mock import pytest from decorator import decorator import gp2040ce_bintools.storage as storage from gp2040ce_bintools.builder import concatenate_firmware_and_storage_files HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) @decorator def with_pb2s(test, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap a test with precompiled pb2 files on the path.""" proto_path = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'pb2-files') sys.path.append(proto_path) test(*args, **kwargs) sys.path.pop() del sys.modules['config_pb2'] def test_config_footer(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer is identified as expected.""" size, crc, magic = storage.get_config_footer(storage_dump) assert size == 3309 assert crc == 2661279683 assert magic == '0x65e3f1d2' def test_config_footer_way_too_small(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer isn't detected if the size is way too small.""" with pytest.raises(storage.ConfigLengthError): _, _, _ = storage.get_config_footer(storage_dump[-11:]) def test_config_footer_too_small(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer isn't detected if the size is smaller than that found in the header.""" with pytest.raises(storage.ConfigLengthError): _, _, _ = storage.get_config_footer(storage_dump[-1000:]) def test_whole_board_too_small(whole_board_dump): """Test that a storage section isn't detected if the size is too small to contain where it should be.""" with pytest.raises(storage.ConfigLengthError): _, _, _ = storage.get_user_storage_section(whole_board_dump[-100000:]) def test_config_footer_bad_magic(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer isn't detected if the magic is incorrect.""" unmagical = bytearray(storage_dump) unmagical[-1] = 0 with pytest.raises(storage.ConfigMagicError): _, _, _ = storage.get_config_footer(unmagical) def test_config_footer_bad_crc(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer isn't detected if the CRC checksums don't match.""" corrupt = bytearray(storage_dump) corrupt[-50:-40] = bytearray(0 * 10) with pytest.raises(storage.ConfigCrcError): _, _, _ = storage.get_config_footer(corrupt) @with_pb2s def test_get_config_from_file_storage_dump(): """Test that we can open a storage dump file and find its config.""" filename = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'test-storage-area.bin') config = storage.get_config_from_file(filename) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.5' assert config.addonOptions.bootselButtonOptions.enabled is False assert config.addonOptions.ps4Options.enabled is False @with_pb2s def test_get_config_from_file_whole_board_dump(): """Test that we can open a storage dump file and find its config.""" filename = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'test-whole-board.bin') config = storage.get_config_from_file(filename, whole_board=True) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.5' assert config.addonOptions.bootselButtonOptions.enabled is False @with_pb2s def test_get_board_config_from_file_whole_board_dump(): """Test that we can open a storage dump file and find its config.""" filename = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'test-whole-board-with-board-config.bin') config = storage.get_config_from_file(filename, whole_board=True, board_config=True) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.6-15-g71f4512' assert config.addonOptions.bootselButtonOptions.enabled is False @with_pb2s def test_get_config_from_file_file_not_fonud_ok(): """If we allow opening a file that doesn't exist (e.g. for the editor), check we get an empty config.""" filename = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'nope.bin') config = storage.get_config_from_file(filename, allow_no_file=True) assert config.boardVersion == '' def test_get_config_from_file_file_not_fonud_raise(): """If we don't allow opening a file that doesn't exist (e.g. for the editor), check we get an error.""" filename = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'nope.bin') with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): _ = storage.get_config_from_file(filename) @with_pb2s def test_config_parses(storage_dump): """Test that we need the config_pb2 to exist/be compiled for reading the config to work.""" config = storage.get_config(storage_dump) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.5' assert config.hotkeyOptions.hotkey01.dpadMask == 0 assert config.hotkeyOptions.hotkey02.dpadMask == 1 @with_pb2s def test_config_from_whole_board_parses(whole_board_dump): """Test that we can read in a whole board and still find the config section.""" config = storage.get_config(storage.get_user_storage_section(whole_board_dump)) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.5' assert config.hotkeyOptions.hotkey01.dpadMask == 0 assert config.hotkeyOptions.hotkey02.dpadMask == 1 def test_convert_binary_to_uf2(whole_board_with_board_config_dump): """Do some sanity checks in the attempt to convert a binary to a UF2.""" uf2 = storage.convert_binary_to_uf2([{0, whole_board_with_board_config_dump}]) assert len(uf2) == 4194304 # binary is 8192 256 byte chunks, UF2 is 512 b per chunk assert uf2[0:4] == b'\x55\x46\x32\x0a' == b'UF2\n' # proper magic assert uf2[8:12] == bytearray(b'\x00\x20\x00\x00') # family ID set assert uf2[524:528] == bytearray(b'\x00\x01\x00\x10') # address to write the second chunk def test_convert_unaligned_binary_to_uf2(firmware_binary): """Do some sanity checks in the attempt to convert a binary to a UF2.""" uf2 = storage.convert_binary_to_uf2([{0, firmware_binary}]) assert len(uf2) == math.ceil(len(firmware_binary)/256) * 512 # 256 byte complete/partial chunks -> 512 b chunks assert uf2[0:4] == b'\x55\x46\x32\x0a' == b'UF2\n' # proper magic assert uf2[8:12] == bytearray(b'\x00\x20\x00\x00') # family ID set assert uf2[524:528] == bytearray(b'\x00\x01\x00\x10') # address to write the second chunk def test_convert_binary_to_uf2_with_offsets(whole_board_with_board_config_dump): """Do some sanity checks in the attempt to convert a binary to a UF2.""" uf2 = storage.convert_binary_to_uf2([{storage.USER_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION, whole_board_with_board_config_dump}]) assert len(uf2) == 4194304 # binary is 8192 256 byte chunks, UF2 is 512 b per chunk assert uf2[0:4] == b'\x55\x46\x32\x0a' == b'UF2\n' # proper magic assert uf2[8:12] == bytearray(b'\x00\x20\x00\x00') # family ID set assert uf2[524:528] == bytearray(b'\x00\xc1\x1f\x10') # address to write the second chunk def test_convert_binary_to_uf2_to_binary(whole_board_with_board_config_dump): """Do some sanity checks in the attempt to convert a binary to a UF2.""" uf2 = storage.convert_binary_to_uf2([{0, whole_board_with_board_config_dump}]) binary = storage.convert_uf2_to_binary(uf2) assert len(binary) == 2097152 assert whole_board_with_board_config_dump == binary def test_malformed_uf2(whole_board_with_board_config_dump): """Check that we expect a properly-formed UF2.""" uf2 = storage.convert_binary_to_uf2([{0, whole_board_with_board_config_dump}]) # truncated UF2 --- byte mismatch with pytest.raises(ValueError): storage.convert_uf2_to_binary(uf2[:-4]) # truncated uf2 --- counter is wrong with pytest.raises(ValueError): storage.convert_uf2_to_binary(uf2[512:]) # truncated uf2 --- total count is wrong with pytest.raises(ValueError): storage.convert_uf2_to_binary(uf2[:-512]) # malformed UF2 --- counter jumps in the middle, suggests total blocks is wrong with pytest.raises(ValueError): storage.convert_uf2_to_binary(uf2 + uf2) def test_read_created_uf2(tmp_path, firmware_binary, config_binary): """Test that we read a UF2 with disjoint segments.""" tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'concat.uf2') firmware_file = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'test-firmware.bin') config_file = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'test-config.bin') concatenate_firmware_and_storage_files(firmware_file, binary_board_config_filename=config_file, binary_user_config_filename=config_file, combined_filename=tmp_file) with open(tmp_file, 'rb') as file: content = file.read() assert len(content) == (math.ceil(len(firmware_binary)/256) * 512 + math.ceil(storage.STORAGE_SIZE/256) * 512 * 2) binary = storage.convert_uf2_to_binary(content) # the converted binary should be aligned properly and of the right size assert len(binary) == 2 * 1024 * 1024 assert binary[-16384-4:-16384] == storage.FOOTER_MAGIC assert binary[-4:] == storage.FOOTER_MAGIC user_storage = storage.get_user_storage_section(binary) footer_size, _, _ = storage.get_config_footer(user_storage) assert footer_size == 3309 def test_cant_read_out_of_order_uf2(): """Test that we currently raise an exception at out of order UF2s until we fix it.""" uf2 = storage.convert_binary_to_uf2([(0x1000, b'\x11'), (0, b'\x11')]) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): storage.convert_uf2_to_binary(uf2) @with_pb2s def test_serialize_config_with_footer(storage_dump, config_binary): """Test that reserializing a read in config matches the original. Note that this isn't going to produce an *identical* result, because new message fields may have default values that get saved in the reserialized binary, so we can still only test some particular parts. But it should work. """ config = storage.get_config(storage_dump) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.5' reserialized = storage.serialize_config_with_footer(config) assert storage_dump[-4:] == reserialized[-4:] @with_pb2s def test_serialize_modified_config_with_footer(storage_dump): """Test that we can serialize a modified config.""" config = storage.get_config(storage_dump) config.boardVersion = 'v0.7.5-cool' serialized = storage.serialize_config_with_footer(config) config_size, _, _ = storage.get_config_footer(serialized) assert config_size == config.ByteSize() assert len(serialized) == config_size + 12 def test_pad_config_to_storage(config_binary): """Test that we can properly pad a config section to the correct storage section size.""" storage_section = storage.pad_config_to_storage_size(config_binary) assert len(storage_section) == 16384 def test_pad_config_to_storage_raises(config_binary): """Test that we raise an exception if the config is bigger than the storage section.""" with pytest.raises(storage.ConfigLengthError): _ = storage.pad_config_to_storage_size(config_binary * 5) @with_pb2s def test_get_board_config_from_usb(config_binary): """Test we attempt to read from the proper location over USB.""" mock_out = mock.MagicMock() mock_out.device.idVendor = 0xbeef mock_out.device.idProduct = 0xcafe mock_out.device.bus = 1 mock_out.device.address = 2 mock_in = mock.MagicMock() with mock.patch('gp2040ce_bintools.storage.get_bootsel_endpoints', return_value=(mock_out, mock_in)) as mock_get: with mock.patch('gp2040ce_bintools.storage.read', return_value=config_binary) as mock_read: config, _, _ = storage.get_board_config_from_usb() mock_get.assert_called_once() mock_read.assert_called_with(mock_out, mock_in, 0x101F8000, 16384) assert config == storage.get_config(config_binary) @with_pb2s def test_get_user_config_from_usb(config_binary): """Test we attempt to read from the proper location over USB.""" mock_out = mock.MagicMock() mock_out.device.idVendor = 0xbeef mock_out.device.idProduct = 0xcafe mock_out.device.bus = 1 mock_out.device.address = 2 mock_in = mock.MagicMock() with mock.patch('gp2040ce_bintools.storage.get_bootsel_endpoints', return_value=(mock_out, mock_in)) as mock_get: with mock.patch('gp2040ce_bintools.storage.read', return_value=config_binary) as mock_read: config, _, _ = storage.get_user_config_from_usb() mock_get.assert_called_once() mock_read.assert_called_with(mock_out, mock_in, 0x101FC000, 16384) assert config == storage.get_config(config_binary) @with_pb2s def test_json_config_parses(config_json): """Test that we can import a JSON config into a message.""" config = storage.get_config_from_json(config_json) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.6-15-g71f4512'