"""Unit tests for the storage module.""" import os import sys import pytest from decorator import decorator from gp2040ce_bintools.storage import get_config, get_config_footer HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) @decorator def with_pb2s(test, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap a test with precompiled pb2 files on the path.""" proto_path = os.path.join(HERE, 'test-files', 'pb2-files') sys.path.append(proto_path) test(*args, **kwargs) sys.path.pop() del sys.modules['config_pb2'] def test_config_footer(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer is identified as expected.""" size, crc, magic = get_config_footer(storage_dump) assert size == 2032 assert crc == 3799109329 assert magic == '0x65e3f1d2' def test_config_footer_way_too_small(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer isn't detected if the size is way too small.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): size, crc, magic = get_config_footer(storage_dump[-11:]) def test_config_footer_too_small(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer isn't detected if the size is smaller than that found in the header.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): size, crc, magic = get_config_footer(storage_dump[-1000:]) def test_config_footer_bad_magic(storage_dump): """Test that a config footer isn't detected if the magic is incorrect.""" unmagical = bytearray(storage_dump) unmagical[-1] = 0 with pytest.raises(ValueError): size, crc, magic = get_config_footer(unmagical) def test_config_fails_without_pb2s(storage_dump): """Test that we need the config_pb2 to exist/be compiled for reading the config to work.""" with pytest.raises(ModuleNotFoundError): _ = get_config(storage_dump) @with_pb2s def test_config_parses(storage_dump): """Test that we need the config_pb2 to exist/be compiled for reading the config to work.""" config = get_config(storage_dump) assert config.boardVersion == 'v0.7.2' assert config.hotkeyOptions.hotkeyF1Up.dpadMask == 1