"""Interact with the protobuf config from a picotool flash dump of a GP2040-CE board. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Brian S. Stephan SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later """ import argparse import binascii import logging import struct from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson from google.protobuf.json_format import Parse as JsonParse from google.protobuf.message import Message from gp2040ce_bintools import core_parser, get_config_pb2 from gp2040ce_bintools.rp2040 import get_bootsel_endpoints, read logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) BOARD_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION = 0x1F8000 BOARD_CONFIG_BOOTSEL_ADDRESS = 0x10000000 + BOARD_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION STORAGE_SIZE = 16384 USER_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION = 0x1FC000 USER_CONFIG_BOOTSEL_ADDRESS = 0x10000000 + USER_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION FOOTER_SIZE = 12 FOOTER_MAGIC = b'\x65\xe3\xf1\xd2' UF2_FAMILY_ID = 0xE48BFF56 UF2_MAGIC_FIRST = 0x0A324655 UF2_MAGIC_SECOND = 0x9E5D5157 UF2_MAGIC_FINAL = 0x0AB16F30 ################# # LIBRARY ITEMS # ################# class ConfigReadError(ValueError): """General exception for failing to read/verify the GP2040-CE config for some reason.""" class ConfigCrcError(ConfigReadError): """Exception raised when the CRC checksum in the footer doesn't match the actual content's.""" class ConfigLengthError(ConfigReadError): """Exception raised when a length sanity check fails.""" class ConfigMagicError(ConfigReadError): """Exception raised when the config section does not have the magic value in its footer.""" def convert_binary_to_uf2(binaries: list[tuple[int, bytearray]]) -> bytearray: """Convert a GP2040-CE binary payload to Microsoft's UF2 format. https://github.com/microsoft/uf2/tree/master#overview Args: binaries: list of start,binary pairs of binary data to write at the specified memory offset in flash Returns: the content in UF2 format """ total_blocks = sum([(len(binary) // 256) + 1 if len(binary) % 256 else len(binary) // 256 for offset, binary in binaries]) uf2 = bytearray() for start, binary in binaries: size = len(binary) index = 0 while index < size: pad_count = 476 - len(binary[index:index+256]) uf2 += struct.pack(' bytearray: """Convert a Microsoft's UF2 payload to a raw binary. https://github.com/microsoft/uf2/tree/master#overview Args: uf2: bytearray content to convert from a UF2 payload Returns: the content in sequential binary format """ if len(uf2) % 512 != 0: raise ValueError(f"provided binary is length {len(uf2)}, which isn't fully divisible by 512!") binary = bytearray() old_uf2_addr = None for index in range(0, len(uf2), 512): chunk = uf2[index:index+512] _, _, _, uf2_addr, bytes_, block_num, block_count, _ = struct.unpack(' Message: """Read the config from a GP2040-CE storage section. Args: content: bytes from a GP2040-CE board's storage section Returns: the parsed configuration """ size, _, _ = get_config_footer(content) config_pb2 = get_config_pb2() config = config_pb2.Config() config.ParseFromString(content[-(size + FOOTER_SIZE):-FOOTER_SIZE]) logger.debug("parsed: %s", config) return config def get_config_from_json(content: str) -> Message: """Read the config represented by a JSON string. Args: content: JSON string representing a board config Returns: the parsed configuration """ config_pb2 = get_config_pb2() config = config_pb2.Config() JsonParse(content, config) logger.debug("parsed: %s", config) return config def get_config_footer(content: bytes) -> tuple[int, int, str]: """Confirm and retrieve the config footer from a series of bytes of GP2040-CE storage. Args: content: bytes from a GP2040-CE board's storage section Returns: the discovered config size, config CRC checksum, and magic from the config footer Raises: ConfigLengthError, ConfigMagicError: if the provided bytes are not a config footer """ # last 12 bytes are the footer logger.debug("length of content to look for footer in: %s", len(content)) logger.debug("content searching in for a footer: %s", content) if len(content) < FOOTER_SIZE: raise ConfigLengthError(f"provided content ({len(content)} bytes) is not large enough to have a config footer!") footer = content[-FOOTER_SIZE:] logger.debug("suspected footer magic: %s", footer[-4:]) if footer[-4:] != FOOTER_MAGIC: raise ConfigMagicError("content's magic is not as expected!") config_size = int.from_bytes(reversed(footer[:4]), 'big') config_crc = int.from_bytes(reversed(footer[4:8]), 'big') config_magic = f'0x{footer[8:12].hex()}' # more sanity checks logger.debug("length of content + footer: %s", len(content)) if len(content) < config_size + FOOTER_SIZE: raise ConfigLengthError(f"provided content ({len(content)} bytes) is not large enough according to the " f"config footer!") logger.debug("config size according to footer: %s", config_size) content_config = content[-(config_size + 12):-12] content_crc = binascii.crc32(content_config) logger.debug("content used to calculate CRC: %s", content_config) logger.debug("calculated config CRC: %s", content_crc) logger.debug("expected config CRC: %s", config_crc) if config_crc != content_crc: raise ConfigCrcError(f"provided content CRC checksum {content_crc} does not match footer's expected CRC " f"checksum {config_crc}!") logger.debug("detected footer (size:%s, crc:%s, magic:%s", config_size, config_crc, config_magic) return config_size, config_crc, config_magic def get_binary_from_file(filename: str) -> bytes: """Read the specified file (.bin or .uf2) and get back its raw binary contents. Args: filename: the filename of the file to open and read Returns: the file's content, in raw binary format Raises: FileNotFoundError: if the file was not found """ with open(filename, 'rb') as dump: if filename[-4:] == '.uf2': content = bytes(convert_uf2_to_binary(bytearray(dump.read()))) else: content = dump.read() return content def get_config_from_file(filename: str, whole_board: bool = False, allow_no_file: bool = False, board_config: bool = False) -> Message: """Read the specified file (memory dump or whole board dump) and get back its config section. Args: filename: the filename of the file to open and read whole_board: optional, if true, attempt to find the storage section from its normal location on a board allow_no_file: if true, attempting to open a nonexistent file returns an empty config, else it errors board_config: if true, the board config is provided instead of the user config Returns: the parsed configuration """ try: content = get_binary_from_file(filename) except FileNotFoundError: if not allow_no_file: raise config_pb2 = get_config_pb2() return config_pb2.Config() if whole_board: if board_config: return get_config(get_board_storage_section(content)) else: return get_config(get_user_storage_section(content)) else: return get_config(content) def get_config_from_usb(address: int) -> tuple[Message, object, object]: """Read a config section from a USB device and provide the protobuf Message. Args: address: location of the flash to start reading from Returns: the parsed configuration, along with the USB out and in endpoints for reference """ # open the USB device and get the config endpoint_out, endpoint_in = get_bootsel_endpoints() logger.debug("reading DEVICE ID %s:%s, bus %s, address %s", hex(endpoint_out.device.idVendor), hex(endpoint_out.device.idProduct), endpoint_out.device.bus, endpoint_out.device.address) storage = read(endpoint_out, endpoint_in, address, STORAGE_SIZE) return get_config(bytes(storage)), endpoint_out, endpoint_in def get_board_config_from_usb() -> tuple[Message, object, object]: """Read the board configuration from the detected USB device. Returns: the parsed configuration, along with the USB out and in endpoints for reference """ return get_config_from_usb(BOARD_CONFIG_BOOTSEL_ADDRESS) def get_user_config_from_usb() -> tuple[Message, object, object]: """Read the user configuration from the detected USB device. Returns: the parsed configuration, along with the USB out and in endpoints for reference """ return get_config_from_usb(USER_CONFIG_BOOTSEL_ADDRESS) def get_storage_section(content: bytes, address: int) -> bytes: """Pull out what should be the GP2040-CE storage section from a whole board dump. Args: content: bytes of a GP2040-CE whole board dump address: location of the binary file to start reading from Returns: the presumed storage section from the binary Raises: ConfigLengthError: if the provided bytes don't appear to have a storage section """ # a whole board must be at least as big as the known fences logger.debug("length of content to look for storage in: %s", len(content)) if len(content) < address + STORAGE_SIZE: raise ConfigLengthError("provided content is not large enough to have a storage section!") logger.debug("returning bytes from %s to %s", hex(address), hex(address + STORAGE_SIZE)) return content[address:(address + STORAGE_SIZE)] def get_board_storage_section(content: bytes) -> bytes: """Get the board storage area from what should be a whole board GP2040-CE dump. Args: content: bytes of a GP2040-CE whole board dump Returns: the presumed storage section from the binary Raises: ConfigLengthError: if the provided bytes don't appear to have a storage section """ return get_storage_section(content, BOARD_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION) def get_user_storage_section(content: bytes) -> bytes: """Get the user storage area from what should be a whole board GP2040-CE dump. Args: content: bytes of a GP2040-CE whole board dump Returns: the presumed storage section from the binary Raises: ConfigLengthError: if the provided bytes don't appear to have a storage section """ return get_storage_section(content, USER_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION) def get_new_config() -> Message: """Wrap the creation of a new Config message. Returns: the initialized Config """ config_pb2 = get_config_pb2() return config_pb2.Config() def pad_config_to_storage_size(config: bytes) -> bytearray: """Provide a copy of the config (with footer) padded with zero bytes to be the proper storage section size. Args: firmware: the config section binary to process Returns: the resulting padded binary as a bytearray Raises: FirmwareLengthError: if the is larger than the storage location """ bytes_to_pad = STORAGE_SIZE - len(config) logger.debug("config is length %s, padding %s bytes", len(config), bytes_to_pad) if bytes_to_pad < 0: raise ConfigLengthError(f"provided config binary is larger than the allowed storage of " f"storage at {STORAGE_SIZE} bytes!") return bytearray(b'\x00' * bytes_to_pad) + bytearray(config) def serialize_config_with_footer(config: Message) -> bytearray: """Given a config, generate the config footer as expected by GP2040-CE.""" config_bytes = config.SerializeToString() config_size = bytes(reversed(config.ByteSize().to_bytes(4, 'big'))) config_crc = bytes(reversed(binascii.crc32(config_bytes).to_bytes(4, 'big'))) config_magic = FOOTER_MAGIC return config_bytes + config_size + config_crc + config_magic ############ # COMMANDS # ############ def dump_config(): """Save the GP2040-CE's user configuration to a binary or UF2 file.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Read the configuration section from a USB device and save it to a binary file.", parents=[core_parser], ) parser.add_argument('--board-config', action='store_true', default=False, help="dump the board config rather than the user config") parser.add_argument('filename', help="file to save the GP2040-CE board's config section to --- if the " "suffix is .uf2, it is saved in UF2 format, else it is a raw binary") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() if args.board_config: config, _, _ = get_board_config_from_usb() else: config, _, _ = get_user_config_from_usb() binary_config = serialize_config_with_footer(config) with open(args.filename, 'wb') as out_file: if args.filename[-4:] == '.uf2': # we must pad to storage start in order for the UF2 write addresses to make sense out_file.write(convert_binary_to_uf2([ (USER_CONFIG_BINARY_LOCATION, pad_config_to_storage_size(binary_config)), ])) else: out_file.write(binary_config) def visualize(): """Print the contents of GP2040-CE's storage.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Read the configuration section from a dump of a GP2040-CE board's storage section and print out " "its contents.", parents=[core_parser], ) parser.add_argument('--whole-board', action='store_true', help="indicate the binary file is a whole board dump") parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true', help="print the config out as a JSON document") parser.add_argument('--board-config', action='store_true', default=False, help="display the board config rather than the user config") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('--usb', action='store_true', help="retrieve the config from a RP2040 board connected over USB " "and in BOOTSEL mode") group.add_argument('--filename', help=".bin file of a GP2040-CE board's storage section, bytes " "101FC000-10200000, or of a GP2040-CE's whole board dump " "if --whole-board is specified") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() if args.usb: if args.board_config: config, _, _ = get_board_config_from_usb() else: config, _, _ = get_user_config_from_usb() else: config = get_config_from_file(args.filename, whole_board=args.whole_board, board_config=args.board_config) if args.json: print(MessageToJson(config)) else: print(config)