# # This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.11 # by the following command: # # pip-compile --output-file=requirements/requirements.txt # asgiref==3.8.1 # via django autocommand==2.2.2 # via jaraco-text backports-tarfile==1.1.1 # via jaraco-context django==5.0.5 # via dr.botzo-idlerpg (pyproject.toml) inflect==7.2.1 # via jaraco-text irc==20.4.0 # via dr.botzo-idlerpg (pyproject.toml) jaraco-collections==5.0.1 # via irc jaraco-context==5.3.0 # via jaraco-text jaraco-functools==4.0.1 # via # irc # jaraco-text # tempora jaraco-logging==3.3.0 # via irc jaraco-stream==3.0.3 # via irc jaraco-text==3.12.0 # via # irc # jaraco-collections more-itertools==10.2.0 # via # inflect # irc # jaraco-functools # jaraco-text pytz==2024.1 # via # irc # tempora sqlparse==0.5.0 # via django tempora==5.5.1 # via # irc # jaraco-logging typeguard==4.2.1 # via inflect typing-extensions==4.11.0 # via # inflect # typeguard