""" Module - dr.botzo modular functionality base class Copyright (C) 2010 Brian S. Stephan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from ConfigParser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError import inspect import logging import re import sys import sqlite3 from threading import Timer from extlib import irclib class Module(object): """Declare a base class used for creating classes that have real functionality.""" def priority(self): return 50 def __init__(self, irc, config, server): """Construct a feature module. Inheritors can do special things here, but should be sure to call Module.__init__. """ self.irc = irc self.config = config self.server = server self.log = logging.getLogger('dr.botzo') self.is_shutdown = False # set up database for this module self.db_init() # print what was loaded, for debugging self.log.debug("Loaded " + self.__class__.__name__) def register_handlers(self): """Hook handler functions into the IRC library. This is called when the module is loaded. Classes with special stuff to do could implement this and set up the appropriate handlers, e.g.: self.server.add_global_handler('welcome', self.on_connect) By default, a module attaches to pubmsg/privmsg, which sets up some common variables and then calls do(). You are free to implement do() (see below), or override this and do whatever you want. """ self.server.add_global_handler('pubmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg, self.priority()) self.server.add_global_handler('privmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg, self.priority()) def unregister_handlers(self): """Unhook handler functions from the IRC library. Inverse of the above. This is called by unload, to remove the soon-to-be old object from the server global handlers (or whatever has been added via register_handlers). Classes inheriting from Module could reimplement this, e.g.: self.server.remove_global_handler('welcome', self.on_connect) """ self.server.remove_global_handler('pubmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg) self.server.remove_global_handler('privmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg) def on_pub_or_privmsg(self, connection, event): """Do a default thing on a pubmsg or privmsg. Sets up a couple variables and then calls do(), which by default we expect implementers to implement. """ nick = irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()) userhost = irclib.nm_to_uh(event.source()) what = event.arguments()[0] admin_unlocked = False try: if userhost == self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'admin_userhost'): admin_unlocked = True except NoOptionError: pass return self.do(connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked) def reply(self, connection, event, replystr, stop_responding=False): """Reply over IRC to replypath or return a string with the reply. The primary utility for this is to properly handle recursion. The recursion code in DrBotIRC will set up a couple hints that this method picks up on and will appropriately send an IRC event or return a string. Unless you know what you are doing, the modules you write should return this method rather than send a privmsg reply, as failing to call this method will certainly have recursion do odd things with your module. """ replypath = event.target() # check for privmsg if replypath == connection.get_nickname(): replypath = irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()) if replystr is not None: if event._recursing: return replystr else: replies = replystr.split('\n') for reply in replies: connection.privmsg(replypath, reply) if stop_responding: return "NO MORE" def sendmsg(self, connection, target, msg): """Send a privmsg over IRC to target.""" if msg is not None: if target is not None: msgs = msg.split('\n') for line in msgs: connection.privmsg(target, line) def save(self): """Save whatever the module may need to save. Sync files, etc. Implement this if you need it. """ def shutdown(self): """Do pre-deletion type cleanup. Implement this to close databases, write to disk, etc. Note that DrBotIRC will call save() before this, so implement appropriately. """ self.is_shutdown = True self.log.debug("Unloading " + self.__class__.__name__) def remove_metaoptions(self, list): """Remove metaoptions from provided list, which was probably from a config file.""" list.remove('debug') def retransmit_event(self, event): """ Pretend that some event the bot has generated is rather an incoming IRC event. Why one would do this is unclear, but I wrote it and then realized I didn't need it. """ self.server._handle_event(event) def get_db(self): """ Get a database connection to sqlite3. Once grabbed, it should be closed when work is done. Modules that need a database connection should test for and create (or, eventually, alter) required table structure in their __init__ IF that structure does not already exist. Well-behaved modules should use a prefix in their table names (eg "karma_log" rather than "log") See also db_module_registered, below. """ dbfile = self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'database') conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile, isolation_level=None) conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # setup regexp function in sqlite def regexp(expr, item): reg = re.compile(expr, re.IGNORECASE) return reg.search(item) is not None conn.create_function('REGEXP', 2, regexp) return conn def db_module_registered(self, modulename): """ ask the database for a version number for a module. Return that version number if the module has registered, or None if not """ conn = self.get_db() version = None try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT version FROM drbotzo_modules WHERE module = :name", {'name': modulename}) version = cur.fetchone() if (version != None): version = version[0] conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: conn.close() self.log.error("sqlite error:" + str(e)) return version def db_register_module_version(self, modulename, version): """Enter the given module name and version number into the database.""" db = self.get_db() try: db.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO drbotzo_modules (version, module) VALUES (?, ?)', (version, modulename)) db.commit() db.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: db.rollback() db.close() self.log.error("sqlite error: " + str(e)) raise def db_init(self): """ Set up the database tables and so on, if subclass is planning on using it. """ def do(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked): """Do the primary thing this module was intended to do, in most cases. Implement this method in your subclass to have a fairly-automatic hook into IRC functionality. This is called by DrBotIRC during pubmsg and privmsg events. """ self.log.error("looks like someone forgot to implement do!") def help_description(self): """Return a quick list of commands or other summary, should be less than two lines. If you want the module hidden from "!help", return None here""" return "No description available" def help_summary(self): """Return a command summary or longer description of this module. If this returns None, the summary will be "no help available for module foo" """ return None def help_detail(self, command): """Return detailed help for the given command. Return None if there is no suitable help available""" return None def _unencode_xml(self, text): """Convert <, >, & to their real entities.""" text = text.replace('<', '<') text = text.replace('>', '>') text = text.replace('&', '&') return text # vi:tabstop=4:expandtab:autoindent # kate: indent-mode python;indent-width 4;replace-tabs on;