""" Markov - Chatterbot via Markov chains for IRC Copyright (C) 2010 Brian S. Stephan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import cPickle import os import random import re import sqlite3 import sys from extlib import irclib from Module import Module class Markov(Module): """ Create a chatterbot very similar to a MegaHAL, but simpler and implemented in pure Python. Proof of concept code from Ape. Ape wrote: based on this: http://uswaretech.com/blog/2009/06/pseudo-random-text-markov-chains-python/ and this: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/194364-the-markov-chain-algorithm/ """ def __init__(self, irc, config, server): """Create the Markov chainer, and learn text from a file if available.""" # set up some keywords for use in the chains --- don't change these # once you've created a brain self.start1 = '__start1' self.start2 = '__start2' self.stop = '__stop' # set up regexes, for replying to specific stuff trainpattern = '^!markov\s+train\s+(.*)$' learnpattern = '^!markov\s+learn\s+(.*)$' replypattern = '^!markov\s+reply(\s+min=(\d+))?(\s+max=(\d+))?(\s+(.*)$|$)' self.trainre = re.compile(trainpattern) self.learnre = re.compile(learnpattern) self.replyre = re.compile(replypattern) Module.__init__(self, irc, config, server) # load the existing chain starts from the database self.starts = self._get_chain_beginnings() def db_init(self): """Create the markov chain table.""" version = self.db_module_registered(self.__class__.__name__) if (version == None): db = self.get_db() try: db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE markov_chain ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, k1 TEXT NOT NULL, k2 TEXT NOT NULL, v TEXT NOT NULL )''') db.execute('CREATE INDEX markov_chain_key_index ON markov_chain (k1, k2)') sql = 'INSERT INTO drbotzo_modules VALUES (?,?)' db.execute(sql, (self.__class__.__name__, 1)) db.commit() version = 1 self._learn_line('') except sqlite3.Error as e: db.rollback() print("sqlite error: " + str(e)) raise def register_handlers(self): """Handle pubmsg/privmsg, to learn and/or reply to IRC events.""" self.server.add_global_handler('pubmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg, self.priority()) self.server.add_global_handler('privmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg, self.priority()) self.server.add_global_handler('pubmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event) self.server.add_global_handler('privmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event) def unregister_handlers(self): self.server.remove_global_handler('pubmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg) self.server.remove_global_handler('privmsg', self.on_pub_or_privmsg) self.server.remove_global_handler('pubmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event) self.server.remove_global_handler('privmsg', self.learn_from_irc_event) def learn_from_irc_event(self, connection, event): """Learn from IRC events.""" what = ''.join(event.arguments()[0]) # don't learn from commands if self.trainre.search(what) or self.learnre.search(what) or self.replyre.search(what): return self._learn_line(what) def do(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked): """Handle commands and inputs.""" if self.trainre.search(what): return self.reply(connection, event, self.markov_train(connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked)) elif self.learnre.search(what): return self.reply(connection, event, self.markov_learn(connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked)) elif self.replyre.search(what): return self.reply(connection, event, self.markov_reply(connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked)) # not a command, so see if i'm being mentioned if re.search(connection.get_nickname(), what, re.IGNORECASE) is not None: addressed_pattern = '^' + connection.get_nickname() + '[:,]\s+(.*)' addressed_re = re.compile(addressed_pattern) if addressed_re.match(what): # i was addressed directly, so respond, addressing the speaker return self.reply(connection, event, '{0:s}: {1:s}'.format(nick, self._reply_to_line(addressed_re.match(what).group(1)))) else: # i wasn't addressed directly, so just respond return self.reply(connection, event, '{0:s}'.format(self._reply_to_line(what))) def markov_train(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked): """Learn lines from a file. Good for initializing a brain.""" match = self.trainre.search(what) if match and admin_unlocked: filename = match.group(1) try: for line in open(filename, 'r'): self._learn_line(line) return 'Learned from \'{0:s}\'.'.format(filename) except IOError: return 'No such file \'{0:s}\'.'.format(filename) def markov_learn(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked): """Learn one line, as provided to the command.""" match = self.learnre.search(what) if match: line = match.group(1) self._learn_line(line) # return what was learned, for weird chaining purposes return line def markov_reply(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, what, admin_unlocked): """Generate a reply to one line, without learning it.""" match = self.replyre.search(what) if match: min_size = 15 max_size = 100 if match.group(2): min_size = int(match.group(2)) if match.group(4): max_size = int(match.group(4)) if match.group(5) != '': line = match.group(6) return self._reply_to_line(line, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) else: return self._reply(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) def _learn_line(self, line): """Create Markov chains from the provided line.""" # set up the head of the chain k1 = self.start1 k2 = self.start2 words = line.split() self.starts.append(words[0]) try: db = self.get_db() cur = db.cursor() statement = 'INSERT INTO markov_chain (k1, k2, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' for word in words: cur.execute(statement, (k1.decode('utf-8', 'replace').lower(), k2.decode('utf-8', 'replace').lower(), word.decode('utf-8', 'replace').lower())) k1, k2 = k2, word cur.execute(statement, (k1.decode('utf-8', 'replace').lower(), k2.decode('utf-8', 'replace').lower(), self.stop)) db.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: db.rollback() print("sqlite error: " + str(e)) raise def _reply(self, min_size=15, max_size=100): """Generate a totally random string from the chains, of specified limit of words.""" # if the limit is too low, there's nothing to do if (max_size <= 3): raise Exception("max_size is too small: %d" % max_size) # if the min is too large, abort if (min_size > 20): raise Exception("min_size is too large: %d" % min_size) # start with an empty chain, and work from there gen_words = [self.start1, self.start2, random.choice(self.starts)] # set up the number of times we've tried to hit the specified minimum min_search_tries = 0 # walk a chain, randomly, building the list of words while len(gen_words) < max_size + 2 and gen_words[-1] != self.stop: key_hits = self._retrieve_chains_for_key(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1]) if len(gen_words) < min_size and len(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, key_hits)) > 0: # we aren't at min size yet and we have at least one chain path # that isn't (yet) the end. take one of those. gen_words.append(random.choice(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, key_hits))) min_search_tries = 0 elif len(gen_words) < min_size and min_search_tries <= 10: # we aren't at min size yet and the only path we currently have is # a end, but we haven't retried much yet, so chop off our current # chain and try again. gen_words = gen_words[0:len(gen_words)-2] min_search_tries = min_search_tries + 1 else: # either we have hit our min size requirement, or we haven't but # we also exhausted min_search_tries. either way, just pick a word # at random, knowing it may be the end of the chain gen_words.append(random.choice(key_hits)) min_search_tries = 0 # chop off the seed data at the start gen_words = gen_words[2:] # chop off the end text, if it was the keyword indicating an end of chain if gen_words[-1] == self.stop: gen_words = gen_words[:-1] return ' '.join(gen_words).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') def _reply_to_line(self, line, min_size=15, max_size=100): """Reply to a line, using some text in the line as a point in the chain.""" # if the limit is too low, there's nothing to do if (max_size <= 3): raise Exception("max_size is too small: %d" % max_size) # if the min is too large, abort if (min_size > 20): raise Exception("min_size is too large: %d" % min_size) # get a random word from the input words = line.split() target_word = words[random.randint(0, len(words)-1)] # start with an empty chain, and work from there gen_words = [self.start1, self.start2, random.choice(self.starts)] # walk a chain, randomly, building the list of words while len(gen_words) < max_size + 2 and gen_words[-1] != self.stop: key_hits = self._retrieve_chains_for_key(gen_words[-2], gen_words[-1]) # use the chain that includes the target word, if it is found if target_word in key_hits: gen_words.append(target_word) # generate new word target_word = words[random.randint(0, len(words)-1)] else: if len(gen_words) < min_size and len(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, key_hits)) > 0: gen_words.append(random.choice(filter(lambda a: a != self.stop, key_hits))) else: gen_words.append(random.choice(key_hits)) # chop off the seed data at the start gen_words = gen_words[2:] # chop off the end text, if it was the keyword indicating an end of chain if gen_words[-1] == self.stop: gen_words = gen_words[:-1] return ' '.join(gen_words).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') def _retrieve_chains_for_key(self, k1, k2): """Get the value(s) for a given key (a pair of strings).""" values = [] try: db = self.get_db() query = 'SELECT v FROM markov_chain WHERE k1 = ? AND k2 = ?' cursor = db.execute(query, (k1,k2)) results = cursor.fetchall() for result in results: values.append(result['v']) return values except sqlite3.Error as e: print('sqlite error: ' + str(e)) raise def _get_chain_beginnings(self): """Get all of the first (real) words in the brain.""" values = [] try: db = self.get_db() query = 'SELECT v FROM markov_chain WHERE k1 = "__start1" AND k2 = "__start2"' cursor = db.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() for result in results: values.append(result['v']) return values except sqlite3.Error as e: print('sqlite error: ' + str(e)) raise # vi:tabstop=4:expandtab:autoindent # kate: indent-mode python;indent-width 4;replace-tabs on;