"""Provide the base IRC client bot which other code can latch onto.""" import logging import ssl import sys from django.conf import settings import irc.client from irc.connection import Factory from irc.dict import IRCDict import irc.modes from ircbot.models import IrcChannel log = logging.getLogger('ircbot.bot') class IRCBot(irc.client.SimpleIRCClient): """A single-server IRC bot class.""" def __init__(self, reconnection_interval=60): super(IRCBot, self).__init__() self.channels = IRCDict() # set up the server list self.server_list = settings.IRCBOT_SERVER_LIST # set reconnection interval if not reconnection_interval or reconnection_interval < 0: reconnection_interval = 2 ** 31 self.reconnection_interval = reconnection_interval # set basic stuff self._nickname = settings.IRCBOT_NICKNAME self._realname = settings.IRCBOT_REALNAME # handlers for i in ['disconnect', 'join', 'kick', 'mode', 'namreply', 'nick', 'part', 'quit', 'endofmotd']: self.connection.add_global_handler(i, getattr(self, '_on_' + i), -20) def _connected_checker(self): if not self.connection.is_connected(): self.connection.execute_delayed(self.reconnection_interval, self._connected_checker) self.jump_server() def _connect(self): server = self.server_list[0] try: # build the connection factory as determined by IPV6/SSL settings if settings.IRCBOT_SSL: connect_factory = Factory(wrapper=ssl.wrap_socket, ipv6=settings.IRCBOT_IPV6) else: connect_factory = Factory(ipv6=settings.IRCBOT_IPV6) self.connect(server[0], server[1], self._nickname, server[2], ircname=self._realname, connect_factory=connect_factory) except irc.client.ServerConnectionError: pass def _on_disconnect(self, c, e): self.channels = IRCDict() self.connection.execute_delayed(self.reconnection_interval, self._connected_checker) def _on_join(self, c, e): ch = e.target nick = e.source.nick if nick == c.get_nickname(): self.channels[ch] = Channel() self.channels[ch].add_user(nick) def _on_kick(self, c, e): nick = e.arguments[0] channel = e.target if nick == c.get_nickname(): del self.channels[channel] else: self.channels[channel].remove_user(nick) def _on_mode(self, c, e): modes = irc.modes.parse_channel_modes(" ".join(e.arguments)) t = e.target if irc.client.is_channel(t): ch = self.channels[t] for mode in modes: if mode[0] == "+": f = ch.set_mode else: f = ch.clear_mode f(mode[1], mode[2]) else: # Mode on self... XXX pass def _on_endofmotd(self, c, e): """Join autojoin channels when the MOTD is over.""" for chan in IrcChannel.objects.filter(autojoin=True): log.info(u"autojoining %s", chan.name) self.connection.join(chan) def _on_namreply(self, c, e): """Get the list of names in a channel. e.arguments[0] == "@" for secret channels, "*" for private channels, "=" for others (public channels) e.arguments[1] == channel e.arguments[2] == nick list """ ch_type, channel, nick_list = e.arguments if channel == '*': # User is not in any visible channel # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812#section-3.2.5 return for nick in nick_list.split(): nick_modes = [] if nick[0] in self.connection.features.prefix: nick_modes.append(self.connection.features.prefix[nick[0]]) nick = nick[1:] for mode in nick_modes: self.channels[channel].set_mode(mode, nick) self.channels[channel].add_user(nick) def _on_nick(self, c, e): before = e.source.nick after = e.target for ch in self.channels.values(): if ch.has_user(before): ch.change_nick(before, after) def _on_part(self, c, e): nick = e.source.nick channel = e.target if nick == c.get_nickname(): del self.channels[channel] else: self.channels[channel].remove_user(nick) def _on_quit(self, c, e): nick = e.source.nick for ch in self.channels.values(): if ch.has_user(nick): ch.remove_user(nick) def die(self, msg="Bye, cruel world!"): """Let the bot die. Arguments: msg -- Quit message. """ self.connection.disconnect(msg) sys.exit(0) def disconnect(self, msg="I'll be back!"): """Disconnect the bot. The bot will try to reconnect after a while. Arguments: msg -- Quit message. """ self.connection.disconnect(msg) def get_version(self): """Returns the bot version. Used when answering a CTCP VERSION request. """ return "Python irc.bot ({version})".format( version=irc.client.VERSION_STRING) def jump_server(self, msg="Changing servers"): """Connect to a new server, potentially disconnecting from the current one.""" if self.connection.is_connected(): self.connection.disconnect(msg) self.server_list.append(self.server_list.pop(0)) self._connect() def on_ctcp(self, c, e): """Default handler for ctcp events. Replies to VERSION and PING requests and relays DCC requests to the on_dccchat method. """ nick = e.source.nick if e.arguments[0] == "VERSION": c.ctcp_reply(nick, "VERSION " + self.get_version()) elif e.arguments[0] == "PING": if len(e.arguments) > 1: c.ctcp_reply(nick, "PING " + e.arguments[1]) elif e.arguments[0] == "DCC" and e.arguments[1].split(" ", 1)[0] == "CHAT": self.on_dccchat(c, e) def on_dccchat(self, c, e): pass def start(self): """Start the bot.""" self._connect() super(IRCBot, self).start() class Channel(object): """A class for keeping information about an IRC channel.""" def __init__(self): self.userdict = IRCDict() self.operdict = IRCDict() self.voiceddict = IRCDict() self.ownerdict = IRCDict() self.halfopdict = IRCDict() self.modes = {} def users(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's users.""" return self.userdict.keys() def opers(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's operators.""" return self.operdict.keys() def voiced(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the persons that have voice mode set in the channel.""" return self.voiceddict.keys() def owners(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's owners.""" return self.ownerdict.keys() def halfops(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's half-operators.""" return self.halfopdict.keys() def has_user(self, nick): """Check whether the channel has a user.""" return nick in self.userdict def is_oper(self, nick): """Check whether a user has operator status in the channel.""" return nick in self.operdict def is_voiced(self, nick): """Check whether a user has voice mode set in the channel.""" return nick in self.voiceddict def is_owner(self, nick): """Check whether a user has owner status in the channel.""" return nick in self.ownerdict def is_halfop(self, nick): """Check whether a user has half-operator status in the channel.""" return nick in self.halfopdict def add_user(self, nick): self.userdict[nick] = 1 def remove_user(self, nick): for d in self.userdict, self.operdict, self.voiceddict: if nick in d: del d[nick] def change_nick(self, before, after): self.userdict[after] = self.userdict.pop(before) if before in self.operdict: self.operdict[after] = self.operdict.pop(before) if before in self.voiceddict: self.voiceddict[after] = self.voiceddict.pop(before) def set_userdetails(self, nick, details): if nick in self.userdict: self.userdict[nick] = details def set_mode(self, mode, value=None): """Set mode on the channel. Arguments: mode -- The mode (a single-character string). value -- Value """ if mode == "o": self.operdict[value] = 1 elif mode == "v": self.voiceddict[value] = 1 elif mode == "q": self.ownerdict[value] = 1 elif mode == "h": self.halfopdict[value] = 1 else: self.modes[mode] = value def clear_mode(self, mode, value=None): """Clear mode on the channel. Arguments: mode -- The mode (a single-character string). value -- Value """ try: if mode == "o": del self.operdict[value] elif mode == "v": del self.voiceddict[value] elif mode == "q": del self.ownerdict[value] elif mode == "h": del self.halfopdict[value] else: del self.modes[mode] except KeyError: pass def has_mode(self, mode): return mode in self.modes def is_moderated(self): return self.has_mode("m") def is_secret(self): return self.has_mode("s") def is_protected(self): return self.has_mode("p") def has_topic_lock(self): return self.has_mode("t") def is_invite_only(self): return self.has_mode("i") def has_allow_external_messages(self): return self.has_mode("n") def has_limit(self): return self.has_mode("l") def limit(self): if self.has_limit(): return self.modes["l"] else: return None def has_key(self): return self.has_mode("k")