# Copyright (c) 2010, Chris Jones # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 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"""Python implementation of megahal markov bot""" from time import time import shelve import random import math import os __version__ = '0.2' __author__ = 'Chris Jones ' __license__ = 'BSD' __all__ = ['MegaHAL', 'Dictionary', 'Tree', '__version__', 'DEFAULT_ORDER', 'DEFAULT_BRAINFILE', 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT'] DEFAULT_ORDER = 5 DEFAULT_BRAINFILE = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', ''), '.pymegahal-brain') DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 1.0 API_VERSION = '1.0' END_WORD = '' ERROR_WORD = '' DEFAULT_BANWORDS = ['A', 'ABILITY', 'ABLE', 'ABOUT', 'ABSOLUTE', 'ABSOLUTELY', 'ACROSS', 'ACTUAL', 'ACTUALLY', 'AFTER', 'AGAIN', 'AGAINST', 'AGO', 'AGREE', 'ALL', 'ALMOST', 'ALONG', 'ALREADY', 'ALTHOUGH', 'ALWAYS', 'AN', 'AND', 'ANOTHER', 'ANY', 'ANYHOW', 'ANYTHING', 'ANYWAY', 'ARE', "AREN'T", 'AROUND', 'AS', 'AWAY', 'BACK', 'BAD', 'BE', 'BEEN', 'BEFORE', 'BEHIND', 'BEING', 'BELIEVE', 'BELONG', 'BEST', 'BETWEEN', 'BIG', 'BIGGER', 'BIGGEST', 'BIT', 'BOTH', 'BUDDY', 'BUT', 'BY', 'CALL', 'CALLED', 'CAME', 'CAN', "CAN'T", 'CANNOT', 'CARE', 'CARING', 'CASE', 'CATCH', 'CAUGHT', 'CERTAIN', 'CHANGE', 'CLOSE', 'CLOSER', 'COME', 'COMING', 'COMMON', 'CONSTANT', 'CONSTANTLY', 'COULD', 'DAY', 'DAYS', 'DERIVED', 'DESCRIBE', 'DESCRIBES', 'DETERMINE', 'DETERMINES', 'DID', "DIDN'T", 'DOES', "DOESN'T", 'DOING', "DON'T", 'DONE', 'DOUBT', 'DOWN', 'EACH', 'EARLIER', 'EARLY', 'ELSE', 'ESPECIALLY', 'EVEN', 'EVER', 'EVERY', 'EVERYBODY', 'EVERYONE', 'EVERYTHING', 'FACT', 'FAIR', 'FAR', 'FELLOW', 'FEW', 'FIND', 'FINE', 'FOR', 'FORM', 'FOUND', 'FROM', 'FULL', 'FURTHER', 'GAVE', 'GETTING', 'GIVE', 'GIVEN', 'GIVING', 'GO', 'GOING', 'GONE', 'GOOD', 'GOT', 'GOTTEN', 'GREAT', 'HAS', "HASN'T", 'HAVE', "HAVEN'T", 'HAVING', 'HELD', 'HERE', 'HIGH', 'HOLD', 'HOLDING', 'HOW', 'IN', 'INDEED', 'INSIDE', 'INSTEAD', 'INTO', 'IS', "ISN'T", 'IT', "IT'S", 'ITS', 'JUST', 'KEEP', 'KNEW', 'KNOW', 'KNOWN', 'LARGE', 'LARGER', 'LARGETS', 'LAST', 'LATE', 'LATER', 'LEAST', 'LESS', "LET'S", 'LEVEL', 'LIKES', 'LITTLE', 'LONG', 'LONGER', 'LOOK', 'LOOKED', 'LOOKING', 'LOOKS', 'LOW', 'MAKE', 'MAKING', 'MANY', 'MATE', 'MAY', 'MAYBE', 'MEAN', 'MEET', 'MENTION', 'MERE', 'MIGHT', 'MORE', 'MORNING', 'MOST', 'MOVE', 'MUCH', 'MUST', 'NEAR', 'NEARER', 'NEVER', 'NEXT', 'NICE', 'NONE', 'NOON', 'NOONE', 'NOT', 'NOTE', 'NOTHING', 'NOW', 'OBVIOUS', 'OF', 'OFF', 'ON', 'ONCE', 'ONTO', 'OPINION', 'OR', 'OTHER', 'OUR', 'OUT', 'OVER', 'OWN', 'PART', 'PARTICULAR', 'PERHAPS', 'PERSON', 'PIECE', 'PLACE', 'PLEASANT', 'PLEASE', 'POPULAR', 'PREFER', 'PRETTY', 'PUT', 'REAL', 'REALLY', 'RECEIVE', 'RECEIVED', 'RECENT', 'RECENTLY', 'RELATED', 'RESULT', 'RESULTING', 'SAID', 'SAME', 'SAW', 'SAY', 'SAYING', 'SEE', 'SEEM', 'SEEMED', 'SEEMS', 'SEEN', 'SELDOM', 'SET', 'SEVERAL', 'SHALL', 'SHORT', 'SHORTER', 'SHOULD', 'SHOW', 'SHOWS', 'SIMPLE', 'SIMPLY', 'SO', 'SOME', 'SOMEONE', 'SOMETHING', 'SOMETIME', 'SOMETIMES', 'SOMEWHERE', 'SORT', 'SORTS', 'SPENT', 'STILL', 'STUFF', 'SUCH', 'SUGGEST', 'SUGGESTION', 'SUPPOSE', 'SURE', 'SURELY', 'SURROUNDS', 'TAKE', 'TAKEN', 'TAKING', 'TELL', 'THAN', 'THANK', 'THANKS', 'THAT', "THAT'S", 'THE', 'THEIR', 'THEM', 'THEN', 'THERE', 'THEREFORE', 'THESE', 'THEY', 'THING', 'THINGS', 'THIS', 'THOUGH', 'THOUGHTS', 'THOUROUGHLY', 'THROUGH', 'TINY', 'TO', 'TODAY', 'TOGETHER', 'TOLD', 'TOO', 'TOTAL', 'TOTALLY', 'TOUCH', 'TRY', 'TWICE', 'UNDER', 'UNDERSTAND', 'UNDERSTOOD', 'UNTIL', 'US', 'USED', 'USING', 'USUALLY', 'VARIOUS', 'VERY', 'WANT', 'WANTED', 'WANTS', 'WAS', 'WATCH', 'WAYS', 'WE', "WE'RE", 'WELL', 'WENT', 'WERE', 'WHAT', "WHAT'S", 'WHATEVER', 'WHATS', 'WHEN', "WHERE'S", 'WHICH', 'WHILE', 'WHILST', 'WHO', "WHO'S", 'WHOM', 'WILL', 'WISH', 'WITH', 'WITHIN', 'WONDERFUL', 'WORSE', 'WORST', 'WOULD', 'WRONG', 'YESTERDAY', 'YET'] DEFAULT_AUXWORDS = ['DISLIKE', 'HE', 'HER', 'HERS', 'HIM', 'HIS', 'I', "I'D", "I'LL", "I'M", "I'VE", 'LIKE', 'ME', 'MY', 'MYSELF', 'ONE', 'SHE', 'THREE', 'TWO', 'YOU', "YOU'D", "YOU'LL", "YOU'RE", "YOU'VE", 'YOUR', 'YOURSELF'] DEFAULT_SWAPWORDS = {"YOU'RE": "I'M", "YOU'D": "I'D", 'HATE': 'LOVE', 'YOUR': 'MY', "I'LL": "YOU'LL", 'NO': 'YES', 'WHY': 'BECAUSE', 'YOU': 'ME', 'LOVE': 'HATE', 'I': 'YOU', 'MINE': 'YOURS', 'YOURSELF': 'MYSELF', 'DISLIKE': 'LIKE', "I'M": "YOU'RE", 'ME': 'YOU', 'MYSELF': 'YOURSELF', 'LIKE': 'DISLIKE', "I'D": "YOU'D", "YOU'VE": "I'VE", 'YES': 'NO', 'MY': 'YOUR'} class Tree(object): def __init__(self, symbol=0): self.symbol = symbol self.usage = 0 self.count = 0 self.children = [] def add_symbol(self, symbol): node = self.get_child(symbol) node.count += 1 self.usage += 1 return node def get_child(self, symbol, add=True): for child in self.children: if child.symbol == symbol: break else: if add: child = Tree(symbol) self.children.append(child) else: child = None return child class Dictionary(list): def add_word(self, word): try: return self.index(word) except ValueError: self.append(word) return len(self) - 1 def find_word(self, word): try: return self.index(word) except ValueError: return 0 class Brain(object): def __init__(self, order, file, timeout): self.timeout = timeout self.db = shelve.open(file, writeback=True) if self.db.setdefault('api', API_VERSION) != API_VERSION: raise ValueError('This brain has an incompatible api version: %d != %d' % (self.db['api'], API_VERSION)) if self.db.setdefault('order', order) != order: raise ValueError('This brain already has an order of %d' % self.db['order']) self.forward = self.db.setdefault('forward', Tree()) self.backward = self.db.setdefault('backward', Tree()) self.dictionary = self.db.setdefault('dictionary', Dictionary()) self.error_symbol = self.dictionary.add_word(ERROR_WORD) self.end_symbol = self.dictionary.add_word(END_WORD) self.banwords = self.db.setdefault('banwords', Dictionary(DEFAULT_BANWORDS)) self.auxwords = self.db.setdefault('auxwords', Dictionary(DEFAULT_AUXWORDS)) self.swapwords = self.db.setdefault('swapwords', DEFAULT_SWAPWORDS) self.closed = False @property def order(self): return self.db['order'] @staticmethod def get_words_from_phrase(phrase): phrase = phrase.upper() words = [] if phrase: offset = 0 def boundary(string, position): if position == 0: boundary = False elif position == len(string): boundary = True elif (string[position] == "'" and string[position - 1].isalpha() and position + 1 == len(string)): boundary = True elif (string[position] == "'" and string[position - 1].isalpha() and string[position + 1].isalpha()): boundary = False elif (position > 1 and string[position - 1] == "'" and string[position - 2].isalpha() and string[position].isalpha()): boundary = False elif (string[position].isalpha() and not string[position - 1].isalpha()): boundary = True elif (not string[position].isalpha() and string[position - 1].isalpha()): boundary = True elif string[position].isdigit() != string[position -1].isdigit(): boundary = True else: boundary = False return boundary while True: if boundary(phrase, offset): word, phrase = phrase[:offset], phrase[offset:] words.append(word) if not phrase: break offset = 0 else: offset += 1 if words[-1][0].isalnum(): words.append('.') elif words[-1][-1] not in '!.?': words[-1] = '.' return words def communicate(self, phrase, learn=True, reply=True): words = self.get_words_from_phrase(phrase) if learn: self.learn(words) if reply: return self.get_reply(words) def get_context(self, tree): class Context(dict): def __enter__(context): context.used_key = False context[0] = tree return context def __exit__(context, *exc_info): context.update(self.end_symbol) @property def root(context): return context[0] def update(context, symbol): for i in xrange(self.order + 1, 0, -1): node = context.get(i - 1) if node is not None: context[i] = node.add_symbol(symbol) def seed(context, keys): if keys: i = random.randrange(len(keys)) for key in keys[i:] + keys[:i]: if key not in self.auxwords: try: return self.dictionary.index(key) except ValueError: pass if context.root.children: return random.choice(context.root.children).symbol return 0 def babble(context, keys, replies): for i in xrange(self.order + 1): if context.get(i) is not None: node = context[i] if not node.children: return 0 i = random.randrange(len(node.children)) count = random.randrange(node.usage) symbol = 0 while count >= 0: symbol = node.children[i].symbol word = self.dictionary[symbol] if word in keys and (context.used_key or word not in self.auxwords): context.used_key = True break count -= node.children[i].count if i >= len(node.children) - 1: i = 0 else: i = i + 1 return symbol return Context() def learn(self, words): if len(words) > self.order: with self.get_context(self.forward) as context: for word in words: context.update(self.dictionary.add_word(word)) with self.get_context(self.backward) as context: for word in reversed(words): context.update(self.dictionary.index(word)) def get_reply(self, words): keywords = self.make_keywords(words) dummy_reply = self.generate_replywords() if not dummy_reply or words == dummy_reply: output = self.get_words_from_phrase("I don't know enough to answer yet!") else: output = dummy_reply max_surprise = -1.0 basetime = time() while time() - basetime < self.timeout: reply = self.generate_replywords(keywords) surprise = self.evaluate_reply(keywords, reply) if reply and surprise > max_surprise and reply != keywords: max_surprise = surprise output = reply return ''.join(output).capitalize() def evaluate_reply(self, keys, words): state = {'num': 0, 'entropy': 0.0} if words: def evaluate(node, words): with self.get_context(node) as context: for word in words: symbol = self.dictionary.index(word) context.update(symbol) if word in keys: prob = 0.0 count = 0 state['num'] += 1 for j in xrange(self.order): node = context.get(j) if node is not None: child = node.get_child(symbol, add=False) if child: prob += float(child.count) / node.usage count += 1 if count: state['entropy'] -= math.log(prob / count) evaluate(self.forward, words) evaluate(self.backward, reversed(words)) if state['num'] >= 8: state['entropy'] /= math.sqrt(state['num'] - 1) if state['num'] >= 16: state['entropy'] /= state['num'] return state['entropy'] def generate_replywords(self, keys=None): if keys is None: keys = [] replies = [] with self.get_context(self.forward) as context: start = True while True: if start: symbol = context.seed(keys) start = False else: symbol = context.babble(keys, replies) if symbol in (self.error_symbol, self.end_symbol): break replies.append(self.dictionary[symbol]) context.update(symbol) with self.get_context(self.backward) as context: if replies: for i in xrange(min([(len(replies) - 1), self.order]), -1, -1): context.update(self.dictionary.index(replies[i])) while True: symbol = context.babble(keys, replies) if symbol in (self.error_symbol, self.end_symbol): break replies.insert(0, self.dictionary[symbol]) context.update(symbol) return replies def make_keywords(self, words): keys = Dictionary() for word in words: try: word = self.swapwords[word] except KeyError: pass if (self.dictionary.find_word(word) != self.error_symbol and word[0].isalnum() and word not in self.banwords and word not in self.auxwords and word not in keys): keys.append(word) if keys: for word in words: try: word = self.swapwords[word] except KeyError: pass if (self.dictionary.find_word(word) != self.error_symbol and word[0].isalnum() and word in self.auxwords and word not in keys): keys.append(word) return keys def add_key(self, keys, word): if (self.dictionary.find_word(word) != self.error_symbol and self.banwords.find_word(word) == self.error_symbol and self.auxwords.find_word(word) == self.error_symbol): keys.add_word(word) def sync(self): self.db.sync() def close(self): if not self.closed: print 'Closing database' self.db.close() self.closed = True def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: pass class MegaHAL(object): def __init__(self, order=None, brainfile=None, timeout=None): if order is None: order = DEFAULT_ORDER if brainfile is None: brainfile = DEFAULT_BRAINFILE if timeout is None: timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self.__brain = Brain(order, brainfile, timeout) @property def banwords(self): """This is a list of words which cannot be used as keywords""" return self.__brain.banwords @property def auxwords(self): """This is a list of words which can be used as keywords only in order to supplement other keywords""" return self.__brain.auxwords @property def swapwords(self): """The word on the left is changed to the word on the right when used as a keyword""" return self.__brain.swapwords def train(self, file): """Train the brain with textfile, each line is a phrase""" with open(file, 'rb') as fp: for line in fp: line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): self.learn(line) def learn(self, phrase): """Learn from phrase""" self.__brain.communicate(phrase, reply=False) def get_reply(self, phrase): """Get a reply based on the phrase""" return self.__brain.communicate(phrase) def get_reply_nolearn(self, phrase): """Get a reply without updating the database""" return self.__brain.communicate(phrase, learn=False) def interact(self): """Have a friendly chat session.. ^D to exit""" while True: try: phrase = raw_input('>>> ') except EOFError: break if phrase: print self.get_reply(phrase) def sync(self): """Flush any changes to disk""" self.__brain.sync() def close(self): """Close database""" self.__brain.close()