""" DrBotIRC - customizations of irclib, for dr.botzo Copyright (C) 2011 Brian S. Stephan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import bisect import copy from ConfigParser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError import logging import re import signal from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer import socket import sys import thread from extlib import irclib log = logging.getLogger('drbotzo') class DrBotzoMethods: """Methods to expose to the XML-RPC server.""" def __init__(self, irc): """Store the same stuff the core module would, since we'll probably need it. Args: irc the irc instance to save a reference to """ self.irc = irc def echo(self, message): """Just reply to the client, for testing purposes. Args: message the message to echo Returns: message, unmodified. """ return message def say(self, target, message): """Say a message in a channel/to a nick. Args: target the nick/channel to privmsg message the message to send Returns: "OK", since there's no other feedback to give. """ self.irc.server.privmsg(target, message) return "OK" def execute_module_method(self, modname, method, args): """Execute the method (with arguments) of the specified module. Args: modname the loaded module to retrieve method the method to call from that module args the arguments to provide to the method as a tuple Returns: An error string, or the outcome of the method call. """ for module in self.irc.modlist: if modname == module.__class__.__name__: try: func = getattr(module, method) except AttributeError: return ("couldn't find '{0:s}' in found module " "'{1:s}'".format(method, modname)) if hasattr(func, '__call__'): return func(*args) else: return ("'{0:s}' in found module '{1:s}' is not " "callable".format(method, modname)) return "couldn't find module '{0:s}'".format(modname) class DrBotServerConnection(irclib.ServerConnection): """Subclass irclib's ServerConnection, in order to expand privmsg.""" nickmask = None def __init__(self, irclibobj, nickname=None, username=None): """Instantiate the server connection. Also start guessing at the nickmask and get ready to do on_welcome stuff. Args: irclibobj the irclib instance to connect with nickname the nickname to use in nickmask guess username the username to use in nickmask guess """ irclib.ServerConnection.__init__(self, irclibobj) # temporary. hopefully on_welcome() will set this, but this should be # a pretty good guess if not nick = nickname user = username if username is not None else nick host = socket.getfqdn() self.nickmask = "{0:s}!~{1:s}@{2:s}".format(nick, user, host) log.debug("guessing at nickmask '{0:s}'".format(self.nickmask)) self.add_global_handler('welcome', self.on_welcome, 1) def on_welcome(self, connection, event): """Set the nickmask that the ircd tells us is us. Args: connection source connection event incoming event """ what = event.arguments()[0] log.debug("welcome: {0:s}".format(what)) match = re.search('(\S+!\S+@\S+)', what) if match: self.nickmask = match.group(1) log.debug("setting nickmask: {0:s}".format(self.nickmask)) def privmsg(self, target, text): """Send a PRIVMSG command. Args: target the destination nick/channel text the message to send """ log.debug("OUTGOING PRIVMSG: t[{0:s}] m[{1:s}]".format(target, text)) splitter = "..." # split messages that are too long. Max length is 512. # TODO: this does not properly handle when the nickmask has been # masked by the ircd # is the above still the case? space = 512 - len('\r\n') - len(' PRIVMSG ') - len(target) - len(' :') - len(self.nickmask) - len(' :') splitspace = space - (len(splitter) + 1) if len(text) > space: times = 1 while len(text) > splitspace: splitpos = text.rfind(' ', 0, splitspace) splittext = text[0:splitpos] + ' ' + splitter text = splitter + ' ' + text[splitpos+1:] self.send_raw("PRIVMSG {0:s} :{1:s}".format(target, splittext)) times = times + 1 if times >= 4: # this is stupidly long, abort return # done splitting self.send_raw("PRIVMSG {0:s} :{1:s}".format(target, text)) else: self.send_raw("PRIVMSG {0:s} :{1:s}".format(target, text)) class DrBotIRC(irclib.IRC): """Implement a customized irclib IRC.""" modlist = [] config = None server = None def __init__(self, config): """Initialize XML-RPC interface and save references. Args: config the config structure to load stuff from """ irclib.IRC.__init__(self) self.config = config self.xmlrpc = None self.regex_handlers = dict() # handle SIGINT signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint_handler) # load XML-RPC server try: if self.config.has_section('XMLRPC'): host = self.config.get('XMLRPC', 'host') port = self.config.getint('XMLRPC', 'port') if host and port: self.funcs = DrBotzoMethods(self) self.xmlrpc = SimpleXMLRPCServer((host, port), logRequests=False) self.xmlrpc.register_introspection_functions() self.xmlrpc.register_instance(self.funcs) thread.start_new_thread(self._xmlrpc_listen, ()) except NoOptionError: pass def server(self): """Create a DrBotServerConnection. Returns: The newly created DrBotServerConnection. """ # get the nick and user name so we can provide it to # DrBotServerConnection as a hint for the nickmask user = None nick = None try: if self.config.has_section('dr.botzo'): user = self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'user') nick = self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'nick') except NoOptionError: pass self.server = DrBotServerConnection(self, user, nick) # though we only handle one connection, the underlying library supports # multiple. append the new one though we intend no others self.connections.append(self.server) return self.server def add_global_regex_handler(self, event, regex, handler, priority=0): """Adds a global handler function for a specific event type and regex. The handler function is called whenever the specified event is triggered in any of the connections and the regex matches. See documentation for the Event class. The handler functions are called in priority order (lowest number is highest priority). If a handler function returns "NO MORE", no more handlers will be called. This is basically an extension of add_global_handler(), either may work, though it turns out most modules probably want this one. The provided method should take as arguments: * nick the nick creating the event, or None * userhost the userhost creating the event, or None * event the raw IRC event, which may be None * from_admin whether or not the event came from an admin * groups list of match.groups(), from re.search() Args: event event type (a string), as in numeric_events regex regex string to match before doing callback invocation handler callback function to invoke priority integer, the lower number, the higher priority """ if not event in self.regex_handlers: self.regex_handlers[event] = [] bisect.insort(self.regex_handlers[event], ((priority, regex, handler))) def remove_global_regex_handler(self, event, regex, handler): """Removes a global regex handler function. Args: event event type (a string), as in numeric_events regex regex string that was used in matching handler callback function to remove Returns: 1 on success, otherwise 0. """ if not event in self.regex_handlers: return 0 for h in self.regex_handlers[event]: if regex == h[1] and handler == h[2]: self.regex_handlers[event].remove(h) return 1 def _handle_event(self, connection, event): """Override event handler to do recursion and regex checking. Args: connection source connection event incoming event """ log.debug("EVENT: e[{0:s}] s[{1:s}] t[{2:s}] " "a[{3:s}]".format(event.eventtype(), event.source(), event.target(), event.arguments())) try: nick = irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()) except (IndexError, AttributeError): nick = '' try: if self.config.has_section('Ignore'): alias = self.config.get('Ignore', nick.lower()) if alias: log.debug("ignoring {0:s} as per config file".format(nick)) return except NoOptionError: pass self.try_alias_cmds(connection, event) self.try_recursion(connection, event) self.try_alias(connection, event) nick = None userhost = None admin = False if event.source() is not None: nick = irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()) try: userhost = irclib.nm_to_uh(event.source()) except IndexError: pass try: if userhost == self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'admin_userhost'): admin = True except NoOptionError: pass # try regex handlers first, since they're more specific rh = self.regex_handlers trh = sorted(rh.get('all_events', []) + rh.get(event.eventtype(), [])) for handler in trh: try: prio, regex, method = handler for line in event.arguments(): match = re.search(regex, line) if match: log.debug("pattern matched, calling " "{0:s}".format(method)) # pattern matched, call method with pattern groups ret = method(nick, userhost, event, admin, match.groups()) if ret == 'NO MORE': return except Exception as e: log.error("exception floated up to DrBotIrc!") log.exception(e) h = self.handlers th = sorted(h.get('all_events', []) + h.get(event.eventtype(), [])) for handler in th: try: prio, method = handler ret = method(connection, event) if ret == 'NO MORE': return except Exception as e: log.error("exception floated up to DrBotIrc!") log.exception(e) def xmlrpc_register_function(self, func, name): """Add a method to the XML-RPC interface. Args: func the method to register name the name to expose the method as """ if func and self.xmlrpc: if hasattr(func, '__call__'): self.xmlrpc.register_function(func, name) def _xmlrpc_listen(self): """Begin listening. Hopefully this was called in a new thread. """ self.xmlrpc.serve_forever() def try_to_replace_event_text_with_module_text(self, connection, event): """Do something very similar to _handle_event, but for recursion. The intent here is that we replace [text] with whatever a module provides to us. Args: connection source connection event incoming event """ replies = [] nick = None userhost = None admin = False if event.source() is not None: nick = irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()) try: userhost = irclib.nm_to_uh(event.source()) except IndexError: pass try: if userhost == self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'admin_userhost'): admin = True except NoOptionError: pass # try regex handlers first, since they're more specific rh = self.regex_handlers trh = sorted(rh.get('all_events', []) + rh.get(event.eventtype(), [])) for handler in trh: try: prio, regex, method = handler for line in event.arguments(): match = re.search(regex, line) if match: log.debug("pattern matched, calling " "{0:s}".format(method)) # pattern matched, call method with pattern groups ret = method(nick, userhost, event, admin, match.groups()) if ret: replies.append(ret) except Exception as e: log.error("exception floated up to DrBotIrc!") log.exception(e) h = self.handlers th = sorted(h.get('all_events', []) + h.get(event.eventtype(), [])) for handler in th: try: prio, method = handler ret = method(connection, event) if ret: replies.append(ret) except Exception as e: log.error("exception floated up to DrBotIrc!") log.exception(e) if len(replies): event.arguments()[0] = '\n'.join(replies) def try_alias_cmds(self, connection, event): """See if there is an alias ("!command") in the text, and if so do alias manipulation before any other recursion or aliasing. Args: connection source connection event incoming event Returns: The outcome of the alias command, if the text had one. """ try: nick = irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()) except (IndexError, AttributeError): nick = '' try: userhost = irclib.nm_to_uh(event.source()) except (IndexError, AttributeError): userhost = '' replypath = event.target() try: what = event.arguments()[0] except (IndexError, AttributeError): what = '' admin_unlocked = False # privmsg if replypath == connection.get_nickname(): replypath = nick try: if userhost == self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'admin_userhost'): admin_unlocked = True except NoOptionError: pass # first see if the aliases are being directly manipulated via add/remove whats = what.split(' ') if len(whats) <= 1: return try: if whats[0] == '!alias' and whats[1] == 'add' and len(whats) >= 4: if not self.config.has_section('Alias'): self.config.add_section('Alias') self.config.set('Alias', whats[2], ' '.join(whats[3:])) replystr = "Added alias '{0:s}'.".format(whats[2]) return self.reply(event, replystr) if whats[0] == '!alias' and whats[1] == 'remove' and len(whats) >= 3: if not self.config.has_section('Alias'): self.config.add_section('Alias') if self.config.remove_option('Alias', whats[2]): replystr = "Removed alias '{0:s}'.".format(whats[2]) return self.reply(event, replystr) elif whats[0] == '!alias' and whats[1] == 'list': try: if len(whats) > 2: alias = self.config.get('Alias', whats[2]) return self.reply(event, alias) else: alist = self.config.options('Alias') alist.remove('debug') alist.sort() liststr = ', '.join(alist) return self.reply(event, liststr) except NoSectionError: pass except NoOptionError: pass except NoSectionError: pass def try_alias(self, connection, event): """Try turning aliases into commands. Args: connection source connection event incoming event Returns: The de-aliased event object. """ try: what = event.arguments()[0] alias_list = self.config.options('Alias') for alias in alias_list: alias_re = re.compile(alias, re.IGNORECASE) if alias_re.search(what) and alias != 'debug': # we found an alias for our given string, doing a replace command = re.sub(alias, self.config.get('Alias', alias), what, flags=re.IGNORECASE) event.arguments()[0] = command # now we have to check it for recursions again self.try_recursion(connection, event) # i guess someone could have an alias of an alias... try again return self.try_alias(connection, event) except NoOptionError: pass except NoSectionError: pass except IndexError: pass # if we got here, there are no matching aliases, so return what we got return event def try_recursion(self, connection, event): """Scan message for subcommands to execute and use as part of this command. Upon seeing a line intended for this module, see if there are subcommands that we should do what is basically a text replacement on. The intent is to allow things like the following: command arg1 [anothercommand arg1 arg2] where the output of anothercommand is command's arg2..n. Args: connection source connection event incoming event """ try: # begin recursion search attempt = event.arguments()[0] start_idx = attempt.find('[') subcmd = attempt[start_idx+1:] end_idx = subcmd.rfind(']') subcmd = subcmd[:end_idx] if start_idx != -1 and end_idx != -1 and len(subcmd) > 0: # found recursion candidate # copy the event and see if IT has recursion to do newevent = copy.deepcopy(event) newevent.arguments()[0] = subcmd newevent._recursing = True self.try_recursion(connection, newevent) # recursion over, check for aliases self.try_alias(connection, newevent) # now that we have a string that has been de-aliased and # recursed all the way deeper into its text, see if any # modules can do something with it. this calls the same # event handlers in the same way as if this were a native # event. self.try_to_replace_event_text_with_module_text(connection, newevent) # we have done all we can do with the sub-event. whatever # the text of that event now is, we should replace the parent # event's [] section with it. oldtext = event.arguments()[0] newtext = oldtext.replace('['+subcmd+']', newevent.arguments()[0]) event.arguments()[0] = newtext # we have now resolved the []. recursion will unfold, replacing # it further and further, until we eventually get back to the # original irc event in _handle_event, which will do one # last search on the text. except IndexError: pass def quit_irc(self, connection, msg): """Quit IRC, disconnect, shut everything down. Args: connection the connection to quit msg the message to send while quitting """ for module in self.modlist: module.save() module.shutdown() connection.quit(msg) log.info(self.save_config()) self._xmlrpc_shutdown() log.info("Bot shutting down.") sys.exit() def reply(self, event, replystr, stop=False): """Reply over IRC to replypath or return a string with the reply. The primary utility for this is to properly handle recursion. The recursion code in DrBotIRC will set up a couple hints that this method picks up on and will appropriately send an IRC event or return a string. Unless you know what you are doing, the modules you write should use this method rather than send a privmsg reply, as failing to call this method will certainly have recursion do odd things with your module. Args: event incoming event replystr the message to reply with stop whether or not to let other handlers see this Returns: The replystr if the event is inside recursion, or, potentially, "NO MORE" to stop other event handlers from acting. """ replypath = event.target() # if this is a privmsg, reply to the sender if replypath == self.server.get_nickname(): replypath = irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()) if replystr is not None: if event._recursing: return replystr else: replies = replystr.split('\n') for reply in replies: self.server.privmsg(replypath, reply) if stop: return "NO MORE" def save_modules(self): """Call each module's save(), in case they have something to do.""" for module in self.modlist: module.save() def _xmlrpc_shutdown(self): """Shut down the XML-RPC server.""" if self.xmlrpc is not None: self.xmlrpc.shutdown() self.xmlrpc.server_close() def save_config(self): """Write the config file to disk. Returns: Short string indicating success. """ with open('dr.botzo.cfg', 'w') as cfg: self.config.write(cfg) return "Saved config." def load_module(self, modname): """Load a module (in both the python and dr.botzo sense) if not already loaded. Args: modname the module to attempt to load Returns: String describing the outcome of the load attempt. """ for module in self.modlist: if modname == module.__class__.__name__: return "Module '{0:s}' is already loaded.".format(modname) # not loaded, let's get to work try: modstr = 'modules.'+modname __import__(modstr) module = sys.modules[modstr] botmod = eval('module.' + modname + '(self, self.config)') self.modlist.append(botmod) botmod.register_handlers() # might as well add it to the list modset = set(self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'module_list').split(',')) modset.add(modname) self.config.set('dr.botzo', 'module_list', ','.join(modset)) return "Module '{0:s}' loaded.".format(modname) except ImportError as e: log.error("Error loading '{0:s}'".format(modname)) log.exception(e) return "Module '{0:s}' could not be loaded.".format(modname) def unload_module(self, modname): """Attempt to unload and del a module if it's loaded. Args: modname the module to attempt to unload Returns: String describing the outcome of the unload attempt. """ modstr = 'modules.'+modname for module in self.modlist: if modname == module.__class__.__name__: # do anything the module needs to do to clean up module.save() module.shutdown() # remove module references self.modlist.remove(module) module.unregister_handlers() # del it del(sys.modules[modstr]) del(module) # might as well remove it from the list modset = set(self.config.get('dr.botzo', 'module_list').split(',')) modset.remove(modname) self.config.set('dr.botzo', 'module_list', ','.join(modset)) return "Module '{0:s}' unloaded.".format(modname) # guess it was never loaded return "Module '{0:s}' is not loaded.".format(modname) def list_modules(self): """List loaded modules. Returns: A list of the loaded modules' names. """ modnames = [] for module in self.modlist: modnames.append(module.__class__.__name__) return modnames def sigint_handler(self, signal, frame): """Cleanly shutdown on SIGINT.""" for module in self.modlist: module.save() module.shutdown() log.info(self.save_config()) self._xmlrpc_shutdown() sys.exit() # vi:tabstop=4:expandtab:autoindent # kate: indent-mode python;indent-width 4;replace-tabs on;