"""Access to countdown items through bot commands.""" import logging import re import threading import time import parsedatetime as pdt from dateutil.parser import parse from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from django.utils import timezone from countdown.models import CountdownItem from ircbot.lib import Plugin, most_specific_message from ircbot.models import IrcChannel log = logging.getLogger('countdown.ircplugin') class Countdown(Plugin): """Report on countdown items.""" new_reminder_regex = (r'remind\s+(?P[^\s]+)\s+(?Pat|in|on)\s+(?P.*?)\s+' r'(and\s+every\s+(?P.*?)\s+)?' r'(until\s+(?P.*?)\s+)?' r'(to|that|about|with)\s+(?P.*?)' r'(?=\s+\("(?P.*)"\)|$)') def __init__(self, bot, connection, event): """Initialize some stuff.""" self.running_reminders = [] self.send_reminders = True self.server_config = connection.server_config t = threading.Thread(target=self.reminder_thread) t.daemon = True t.start() super(Countdown, self).__init__(bot, connection, event) def start(self): """Set up handlers.""" self.running_reminders = [] self.send_reminders = True self.connection.reactor.add_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], r'^!countdown\s+list$', self.handle_item_list, -20) self.connection.reactor.add_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], r'^!countdown\s+(.+)$', self.handle_item_detail, -20) self.connection.reactor.add_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], self.new_reminder_regex, self.handle_new_reminder, -50) super(Countdown, self).start() def stop(self): """Tear down handlers.""" self.running_reminders = [] self.send_reminders = False self.connection.reactor.remove_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], self.handle_item_list) self.connection.reactor.remove_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], self.handle_item_detail) self.connection.reactor.remove_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], self.handle_new_reminder) super(Countdown, self).stop() def reminder_thread(self): """After IRC is started up, begin sending reminders.""" # TODO: figure out if we need this sleep, which exists so we don't send reminders while still connecting to IRC time.sleep(30) while self.send_reminders: reminders = CountdownItem.objects.filter(is_reminder=True, sent_reminder=False, at_time__lte=timezone.now(), reminder_target_new__server=self.server_config) for reminder in reminders: log.debug("%s @ %s", reminder.reminder_message, reminder.at_time) if reminder.at_time <= timezone.now(): log.info("sending %s to %s", reminder.reminder_message, reminder.reminder_target_new.name) self.bot.reply(None, reminder.reminder_message, explicit_target=reminder.reminder_target_new.name) # if recurring and not hit until, set a new at time, otherwise stop reminding if reminder.recurring_until is not None and timezone.now() >= reminder.recurring_until: reminder.sent_reminder = True elif reminder.recurring_period != '': calendar = pdt.Calendar() when_t = calendar.parseDT(f'in one {reminder.recurring_period}', reminder.at_time, tzinfo=reminder.at_time.tzinfo)[0] if reminder.recurring_until is None or when_t <= reminder.recurring_until: reminder.at_time = when_t else: reminder.sent_reminder = True else: reminder.sent_reminder = True reminder.save() time.sleep(1) def handle_new_reminder(self, connection, event, match): """Watch IRC for requests to remind new things, create countdown items.""" if event.in_privmsg or event.addressed: log.debug("%s is a new reminder request", most_specific_message(event)) who = match.group('who') when_type = match.group('when_type') when = match.group('when') recurring_period = match.group('recurring_period') recurring_until = match.group('recurring_until') text = match.group('text') name = match.group('name') log.debug("%s / %s / %s", who, when, text) if not name: item_name = '{0:s}-{1:s}'.format(event.sender_nick, timezone.now().strftime('%s')) else: if CountdownItem.objects.filter(name=name).count() > 0: self.bot.reply(event, "item with name '{0:s}' already exists".format(name)) return 'NO MORE' item_name = name # parse when to send the notification if when_type == 'in': # relative time calendar = pdt.Calendar() when_t = calendar.parseDT(when, timezone.localtime(timezone.now()), tzinfo=timezone.get_current_timezone())[0] else: # absolute time when_t = timezone.make_aware(parse(when)) # parse the person to address, if anyone, when sending the notification if who == 'us' or who == event.sent_location or event.in_privmsg: message = text elif who == 'me': message = '{0:s}: {1:s}'.format(event.sender_nick, text) else: message = '{0:s}: {1:s}'.format(who, text) # replace pronouns and stuff if who == 'me': message = re.sub(r'\bI\b', r'you', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) message = re.sub(r'\bme\b', r'you', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) message = re.sub(r'\bmy\b', r'your', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) message = re.sub(r'\bmyself\b', r'yourself', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) elif who == 'us': message = re.sub(r'\bwe\b', r'you', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) message = re.sub(r'\bus\b', r'you', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) message = re.sub(r'\bour\b', r'your', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) message = re.sub(r'\bourselves\b', r'yourselves', message, flags=re.IGNORECASE) log.debug("%s / %s / %s", item_name, when_t, message) # get the IrcChannel to send to reminder_target, _ = IrcChannel.objects.get_or_create(name=event.sent_location, server=connection.server_config) countdown_item = CountdownItem.objects.create(name=item_name, at_time=when_t, is_reminder=True, reminder_message=message, reminder_target_new=reminder_target) if recurring_period: countdown_item.recurring_period = recurring_period if recurring_until: recurring_until_t = timezone.make_aware(parse(recurring_until)) countdown_item.recurring_until = recurring_until_t countdown_item.save() log.info("created countdown item %s", str(countdown_item)) if event.in_privmsg: self.bot.reply(event, "ok, i'll message you at {0:s} 14[{1:s}]".format(str(when_t), countdown_item.name)) else: self.bot.reply(event, "ok, i'll message {0:s} at {1:s} 14[{2:s}]".format(event.sent_location, str(when_t), countdown_item.name)) return 'NO MORE' def handle_item_detail(self, connection, event, match): """Provide the details of one countdown item.""" name = match.group(1) if name != 'list': try: item = CountdownItem.objects.get(name=name) rdelta = relativedelta(item.at_time, timezone.now()) relstr = "{0:s} will occur in ".format(name) if rdelta.years != 0: relstr += "{0:s} year{1:s} ".format(str(rdelta.years), "s" if abs(rdelta.years) != 1 else "") if rdelta.months != 0: relstr += "{0:s} month{1:s}, ".format(str(rdelta.months), "s" if abs(rdelta.months) != 1 else "") if rdelta.days != 0: relstr += "{0:s} day{1:s}, ".format(str(rdelta.days), "s" if abs(rdelta.days) != 1 else "") if rdelta.hours != 0: relstr += "{0:s} hour{1:s}, ".format(str(rdelta.hours), "s" if abs(rdelta.hours) != 1 else "") if rdelta.minutes != 0: relstr += "{0:s} minute{1:s}, ".format(str(rdelta.minutes), "s" if abs(rdelta.minutes) != 1 else "") if rdelta.seconds != 0: relstr += "{0:s} second{1:s}, ".format(str(rdelta.seconds), "s" if abs(rdelta.seconds) != 1 else "") # remove trailing comma from output reply = relstr[0:-2] return self.bot.reply(event, reply) except CountdownItem.DoesNotExist: return self.bot.reply(event, "countdown item '{0:s}' not found".format(name)) def handle_item_list(self, connection, event, match): """List all countdown items.""" items = CountdownItem.objects.all() if len(items) > 0: reply = "countdown items: {0:s}".format(", ".join([x.name for x in items])) return self.bot.reply(event, reply) else: return self.bot.reply(event, "no countdown items are configured") plugin = Countdown