""" Karma - handle karma (++ and --) tracking Copyright (C) 2010 Brian S. Stephan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import re import shelve from Module import Module __author__ = "Mike Bloy " __date__ = "$Oct 23, 2010 11:12:33 AM$" class Karma(Module): def __init__(self, config, server, modlist): """ Upon creation, determine the save file location """ Module.__init__(self, config, server, modlist) filename = self.config.get(self.__class__.__name__, 'karmafile') self.karmafile = filename + "_karma.dat" self.trendfile = filename + "_trends.dat" pattern = "([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)" karmapattern = '^' + pattern + '(\+\+|--)' querypattern = '^!rank\s+' + pattern self.karmare = re.compile(karmapattern) self.queryre = re.compile(querypattern) def do(self, connection, event, nick, userhost, replypath, what, admin_unlocked): """look for karma strings at the start of messages""" if (self.karmare.match(what)): self.handle_karma_change(connection, nick, userhost, replypath, what) elif (self.queryre.match(what)): self.handle_karma_query(connection, nick, userhost, replypath, what) def handle_karma_change(self, connection, nick, userhost, replypath, what): """ handle the karma change and storage. """ match = self.karmare.match(what) key = match.group(1) value = match.group(2) if (value == '++'): value = 1; else: value = -1; # do karma recording karma = shelve.open(self.karmafile) try: oldvalue = 0; if karma.has_key(key): oldvalue = karma[key] newvalue = oldvalue + value; karma[key] = newvalue; finally: karma.close() trend = shelve.open(self.trendfile) try: nickpos = nick + "_pos" nickneg = nick + "_neg" trend_pos = 0; trend_neg = 0; if trend.has_key(nickpos): trend_pos = trend[nickpos] if trend.has_key(nickneg): trend_neg = trend[nickneg] if value > 0: trend_pos = trend_pos + 1 else: trend_neg = trend_neg + 1 trend[nickpos] = trend_pos; trend[nickneg] = trend_neg; finally: trend.close(); reply = "karma change for '" + key + "' (" + str(value) + ") by " + nick self.reply(connection, replypath, reply) def handle_karma_query(self, connection, nick, userhost, replypath, what): match = self.queryre.match(what) key = match.group(1) karma = shelve.open(self.karmafile, "r") reply = key + ' has no karma' try: if karma.has_key(key): value = karma[key] reply = key + ' has ' + str(value) + ' points of karma' finally: karma.close() self.reply(connection, replypath, reply) if __name__ == "__main__": print "Hello World"