"""Access to and interface with mpd through bot commands.""" import logging from django.conf import settings from mpd import MPDClient from ircbot.lib import Plugin log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MpdBot(Plugin): """Access to and interface with mpd through bot commands.""" playing_regex = (r'(what\s+is|what\'s)\s+playing\?$') def start(self): """Set up handlers.""" self.connection.reactor.add_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], self.playing_regex, self.handle_playing, -20) super(MpdBot, self).start() def stop(self): """Tear down handlers.""" self.connection.reactor.remove_global_regex_handler(['pubmsg', 'privmsg'], self.handle_playing) super(MpdBot, self).stop() def handle_playing(self, connection, event, match): """Watch IRC for inquiries about the playing track in mpd.""" log.debug("in Mpd.handle_playing") if event.in_privmsg or event.addressed: client = MPDClient(use_unicode=True) client.connect(settings.MPD_HOST, settings.MPD_PORT) if settings.MPD_PASS: client.password(settings.MPD_PASS) status = client.status() log.debug(status) state = status.get('state', None) if state == 'play': current = client.currentsong() log.debug(current) filename = current.get('file', None) if filename: artist = current.get('artist', "Unknown") title = current.get('title', "Unknown") album = current.get('album', "Unknown") np = "{0:s} - {1:s} [{2:s}]".format(artist, title, album) return self.bot.reply(event, np, stop=True) else: return self.bot.reply(event, "something's playing, but i don't know what!?", stop=True) else: return self.bot.reply(event, "nothing is playing", stop=True) plugin = MpdBot