/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Brian S. Stephan * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ include include module dir_arc_plus_w_30mm_and_sega_2p_plus_one_decorative_plate() { difference() { // get a 2mm slice of the bigger button cylinders union() { translate([-panel_x/2, 0, -65]) dir_arc_w_30mm(); translate([panel_x/2, 0, -65]) sega_2p_plus_one(); } translate([0, 0, -100]) cube([500, 500, 198], center=true); translate([0, 0, 100]) cube([500, 500, 198], center=true); // cut out the normal holes translate([-panel_x/2, 0, -1]) dir_arc_w_30mm(); translate([panel_x/2, 0, -1]) sega_2p_plus_one(); } } dir_arc_plus_w_30mm_and_sega_2p_plus_one_decorative_plate();