/* Interconnect frames along the x-axis (the longer side) * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2024 Brian S. Stephan * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ include include use module interconnect_frame_half_piece() { translate([0, frame_y/2-frame_wall, 0]) difference() { front_or_back_box_frame_piece(); translate([0, (-frame_y+frame_wall)/2-panel_overhang_amount, 0]) cube([overhang_panel_x, frame_wall+panel_overhang_amount*2, frame_z], center=true); } } module interconnect_frame_piece() { difference() { union() { // slight translate is to make this a 2-manifold in OpenSCAD translate([0, -0.01, 0]) interconnect_frame_half_piece(); mirror([0, 1, 0]) interconnect_frame_half_piece(); } rotate([0, 0, 90]) translate([-frame_y/2, 0, 0]) frame_cable_routing_hole(); } } interconnect_frame_piece();